I'll explain it. In my eyes, I was warranted for giving the threat..
Every year, at the beginning of the year, my college (Sir Sandford Fleming, NEVER GO THERE), gives out this white piece of paper, it's a waiver form. If you do not want to be on the "Student Health Insurance Plan", you fill out this form, and you send it in. If you do want to be on it, you don't fill it out, and they will automatically put you on it.
I did not fill out the form. And when school began, I went into the Student Insurance office, and got my own personal Insurance card, which is issued ONLY to people who are on the plan. People who are not on the plan do not get the card.
So, a few months go by, and my dental appointment comes up. I go into the dentist's office, and I get my cleaning done. A few weeks later, I get a notice in the mail telling me I now owe 400 dollars because my school refused to cover me.
Now, I had to go into the school and talk to some head lady of the insurance. She told me that there was a bunch of insurance cards issued out to people accidentally, and I was one of them. Meaning, I was not on the plan, and was not supposed to get the card.
My question to her was "You had a full f***ing year to notify me of that, and you didn't.. How in the hell is this my fault, if you didn't notify me, it's not my fault. It's YOUR obligation, if you make a serious mistake like that, to notify the f***ing person you sent it to accidentally, to not f***ing spend the damn money!!"
At this point, I was livid. I almost trashed her whole office, but I was holding back so much.
The lady turned to me, and in a "matter of fact" voice said "There's nothing we can do. Pay the bill yourself."
Right after she said this, I stood up, and leaned over her desk for a second, she leaned right back and looked up at me. I just walked out of the room, and as I was walking out, I said "You know, this f***ing school has caused me more emotional distress than anything in my entire life. I'm surprised I haven't tried to friggin bomb it yet"
I walked out of the room, and punched a large metal door pretty hard, dented it pretty bad as well (since ive got a pretty forceful punch) and got in my car and went home.
Reason for my extreme reaction? I've had so many instances at the college that have caused me to be screwed over for money, like this case, or emotionally distressed seriously. I've had people witness me spend a whole day upset, puking, with extremely high blood pressure, due to what one of the head ladies told me about me getting financial help, etc.. There's been too many to go into it here.