Sorry. I haven't paid much attention to this thread. In fact I haven't read the last three pages. I've been fairly verbose on this topic here and on TACC. I also know more than most, if not all, here on the situation at least from the perspective of having been there. I'm simply too busy or too tired to go on with it here. There is also the fact that we're already there, most people have supported it in America, and that Bush will likely be re-elected so I feel less need to convince people on this forum. It's also been my experience that most people are not open minded enough to be persuaded on an internet forum. Oh, and the high percentage of children on this forum also seem to make it less than worthwhile.
I'm not trying to reopen the debate or discussion but the thread degenerated rapidly after my post and I didn't get the chance to explain so things.
I don't dismiss anyone's opinion nor think they're losers if they disagree. I simply tire of posting and reading the same arguments for some of the reasons I gave. I still stand by my comment of knowing more than most from the perspective of being there and I don't mean that in a derogatory manner. Simply that most here can't relate on the same level as I to the issue or, if you prefer, I can't relate in the same manner as most of you. My comment regarding "children" has to do with the fact that according to the recent poll, less than 12% of the posters here identified themselves as 22 or older.
I'm sure this thread will be closed or possibly deleted but I just wanted to explain.
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16