eyes and lips.
Dunno it's just a thing i've always had a thing for.
Eyes like rob, the one in the pic with the red star on his shirt.
and of course lips like angelina (not just in women) like some guys have nice lips too. more then likely if I wanna kiss the guy it's prob. cuz he has nice lips. Angelina has awesome lips (I dont always like full lips) but I dont like small lips either avg. would be the best size.
but angelina is an acception, i'd go lezzy for her! lol her or xtina i tell ya! lol
But I also agree what others have said I think it depends on the person as well. but I do tend to prefer brunettes I dunno, but meh diff. things look good on diff. people. but eyes (whatever color, as long as they have that thing that makes them sexy) and lips are normally the first things I notice and what I'm most attracted too
![http://gq.msn.it/cont/060gqf/001gos/0308/2000/18073imb1.jpg [http://gq.msn.it/cont/060gqf/001gos/0308/2000/18073imb1.jpg]](http://gq.msn.it/cont/060gqf/001gos/0308/2000/18073imb1.jpg)