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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Of Aliases and Internet Identities
Of Aliases and Internet Identities
2004-10-03, 1:00 AM #41
What... Run out of smart-assed half-witty retorts, Matt? :p
The Massassi-Map
There is no spoon.
2004-10-03, 3:16 AM #42
I think that i'm pretty different offline. I also think that most people are, take one of my best friends for example, offline hes the nicest guy ever, really cool - online he seems to get angry really easily and not so nice to be with.
2004-10-03, 3:59 AM #43
What... Run out of smart-assed half-witty retorts, Matt?

Hey! I have layers, Mr. Piece of Paper! I recognise when a topic needs my sensitive and objective observations, rather than snide asides! :)
2004-10-03, 4:57 AM #44
fairly similar to real life, i dont have much to say towards most conversations in real life and online... i seem to be finding that the majority of general conversations people have in real life to be fairly dull or stupid.

i laugh at people online
i do the same offline

i make sarcastic comments online
as i do offline.

i always thought of a username to be the chance to come up with something funny or original , i haven't come across another like mine yet.

usually when posting i dont ramble or post on a lot of threads, same as when i converse in reality. it seems like it would be fairly difficult to pretend to be someone else constantly whilst online.... effort or what.
2004-10-03, 8:08 AM #45
Originally posted by Matthew Pate
I find it harder to actually make contributions online; I always read a thread, think "I have nothing worthwhile to add to that" and go do something else.

you sure hava a lot of post for "noting worthwile to say"
Laughing at my spelling herts my feelings. Well laughing is fine actully, but posting about it is not.
2004-10-03, 8:22 AM #46
When im online, i am the DARK OVERLORD OF PAIN!!!!

Offline, im just Mike.

which one would YOU like to be?
The BlackPanther
Making 3D models one vertex at a time... and wether you like it or not!
2004-10-03, 9:06 AM #47
I'm fairly similar on and off, but far far more drunken in the real world, and bouncier. But you can't bounce on a forum.

I changed to Martyn many many moons ago here... I like people to know my real name, because I don't feel like i'm hiding anything.

And people with Y's in their name are so much cooler than everyone else ;)

2004-10-03, 3:53 PM #48
Originally posted by BlackPanther
When im online, i am the DARK OVERLORD OF PAIN!!!!

Offline, im just Mike.

which one would YOU like to be?

Depends if Mike has a great sex life.

Originally posted by Martyn

And people with Y's in their name are so much cooler than everyone else ;)

Riiight ... then Corky Romano must be an exception. Although Yoda totally kicks kekeke (^.^)
2004-10-03, 7:26 PM #49
I'm a lot more reserved, and cool handed when online than off. Though the little outbursts, dick and fart jokes, and slight immaturities shine through to show my true colors. Off the computer I'm a joker. I'm also insanely protective of my privacy, and don't trust many people. I only have a select few who I would consider friends, and several acquantances who never get to be close to me at all. I'm also intellectually compensatory. I'll do anything to feel as though I'm the smartest guy in the room. *shrug*
-=I'm the wang of this here site, and it's HUGE! So just imagine how big I am.=-
The OSC Empire
10 of 14 -- 27 Lives On
2004-10-03, 7:38 PM #50
I never use my real name online, because it's VISA 5668 2231 0554 8545 06/05
"Our hero chucks a few rocks..."
2004-10-03, 7:39 PM #51
Sometimes I think that Jedi Legend is my real self and my real life persona is a lie. After all, I'm much more self conscience in real life and I barely feel safe to express any opinion. I'm ridiculously shy sometimes.
2004-10-03, 7:42 PM #52
I don't know, I'd probably feel comfortable using my real name, although there might be some confusion with a certain admin (Justin-******). And I'd say I'm pretty much the same online as off. I am a bit more reserved, however. Mainly because the majority of Massassians are more agreeable than most people I know.
2004-10-04, 5:00 AM #53
Originally posted by Martyn

And people with Y's in their name are so much cooler than everyone else ;)

It's so true!!!

Just to add more and clarify what I've said. I think I'm pretty much the same person online, but amplified and with most of my recessive tendencies taken away.

Also, if I were to use my real name on Massassi, no one would believe me. (I'm Luke! :p)
Ban Jin!
Nobody really needs work when you have awesome. - xhuxus
2004-10-04, 7:28 AM #54
I've only once in the last five years or so used a nickname that didn't have some contortion of Maeve in it, and it felt really sneaky. I'm not suggesting that everyone who uses a nickname is hiding something, just that for me, not being called by my real name feels wrong. I know for a fact that I'm the same person online as off (someone's blatantly gonna disagree with that now!) because I'm completely incapable of changing myself consiously. I say what I feel should be said, whether that's a good thing or not.
<spe> maevie - proving dykes can't fly

<Dor> You're levelling up and gaining more polys!
2004-10-04, 10:18 AM #55
I'm a completely different person offline. Here I'm a 21 year old male computer science student. Offline I'm a 53 year old female stripper from Las Vegas.
I beat the internet. The last guy was hard.
2004-10-04, 11:06 AM #56
Nice Juz. Nice. ;)

And, er, well, in an unrelated note, I was going to say people with Z's in their name are infinitely cooler than people with Y's, but now I'm not so sure.
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2004-10-04, 5:44 PM #57
Apologies about the late thread entry ;). I guess I'm pretty much like my online presence, maybe a tad more optimistic online, which is surprising for me, given that I consider myself a "realist" (in a "pessimist" type of way ;) in real life).

As far as my manner (both online and off) is concerned, I react the same; if I have one flaw, it's probably taking too much carp/flak from other people as I'm the type of person who tries to help everyone and (inevitably) ends up failing someone and feeling guilty about it afterwards. Maybe I have too much of a conscience... I'm just too kind for my own good :rolleyes:

At least online, I can relieve some of the pressure and use it as an escape hatch. That's not to say I'm any different online - just that I feel less pressured, which I guess makes me feel happier...

As far as humour goes, it's much sharper, wittier and generally more amusing in real life - you have the "spontaneity" element, as well as the visual humour that you just can't convey in online chats - that and being British as well, the humour has a marginally different slant to it and in all honesty, I don't think I know enough of Massassi well enough to use that sort of humour level, which I guess is why I come across as being "serious" (or at least semi-serious) in most of my thread responses. Naturally, I try and offset that and bring a smile to people's faces by using emoticons (TM to me :D) in chat discussions - love 'em or hate 'em, I use them :p

One of the things that does ring true both online and off is my philosophy that "True friends are like good books - you can count them on one hand" - I'm a shy(-ish) person and whilst I have many friends (and even more acquaintances), I have few "true" friends that I'd entrust with my life and I'm willing to wager it's the same for most people here... :) At the end of the day, when all's said and done, I stick by the quote at the bottom of my sig, regardless of whether it's "Real Life" or otherwise...

Whoa - apologies for the rant :o - went right off the deep-end with this one ;) :D


PS: You'll notice that I don't join in many of these types of thread - solely for the reason that I know I'll waffle, given half a chance (or less) :P ;)
"lucky_jackpot is the smily god..." -gothicX
"Life is mostly froth and bubble, but two things stand in stone,
Kindness in another's trouble, courage in your own"
- "Ye Wearie Wayfarer"
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2004-10-05, 12:51 AM #58
you sure hava a lot of post for "noting worthwile to say"

I only have a 1.11 per day post rate... Less than you (1.49 posts per day) and far, far less than Spork (at a voluminous 7.89 posts per day), who apparently can't stop talking. Like, ever. He must have stronger lungs than an Opera singer. Eighteen opera singers, maybe.

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