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ForumsDiscussion Forum → What would YOU do if the source code for Jedi Knight was released?
What would YOU do if the source code for Jedi Knight was released?
2004-10-08, 12:47 AM #41
Originally posted by kyle90
-512*512 or even 1024*1024 textures

why not 2048x2048

hell why not add cool effects like any surface flagged as water would have pixel shader effects.. like some sweet reflections... and if your card doesn't support it you get the old water textures...

... i can dream...
eat right, exercise, die anyway
2004-10-08, 9:13 AM #42
honestly why doesn't LEC release it... I mean they haven't even released Dark Forces engine either... It's pretty lame and knowing the huge fan base they have what is stopping them, will they lose money somewhere along the lines somehow??? It's terrible that they could ever make a reason to justify letting it sit there unused and forgetten....
2004-10-08, 9:44 AM #43
Let's see... Most of the improvements needed for the Jedi engine used in Dark Forces were fixed with the version used in Outlaws (1997, a few months before JK). A few of the games (such as IJ & the Infernal Machine) fixed many of the things, but since I haven't actually taken a look at the game, I don't know what they forgot. From my point of view, it needs, in a generally receeding order:
  • Support for more than two redering passes per frame. (The limit of one transparent layer). This was obviously a limit they intentionally put in, as A: You can see through a transparent texture through an area right beside the HUD pieces (as far as I know, they're rended in-engine, not blitted) and B: occasionally, I've been able to reliable see through as many as three transparent textures, though the transparency effect become innacurate here, and I don't know how to intentionally replicate it.
  • Support for more advanced textures. The limit in the JK/MotS Sith engine is a standard 256x256x16 texture map. I'd like for 24-bit full color/32-bit full color+alpha textures, spheremaps (a big way to increase lighting realism), and perhaps detail textures. Also, increase in dimensions to whatever limit the graphics card can handle (most affordable newer ones cap at 2048x2048). Bumpmaps aren't really that necessary; they can be done without. After all, we're trying to discuss improvements to the Sith engine, not an ultimate engine.
  • Elimination of adjoin HOMs. LEC was simply fairly lazy in adding the script for the portal-based engine, capping the maximum number of adjoins it will check through to arround 128. I don't want it changed to a BSP engine as DogSRoOL suggests, as using a portal-based engine is the most efficient and effective way to improve performance by culling unseen arcitecture. (there are other methods of culling, but they actually drain some processing power, reducing their effectiveness).
  • Better lighting system. I'd like to see projected lighting availible, or an adjusted vertex-based lighting that could "stretch" the lighting to other verticies, making it more believable.
  • Better particle system. This kinda goes hand-in-hand with the better texture rendering, as more advanced particles generally require a pass for each particle per pixel.
  • Elimnination of all object/wall limits. with only 32768 walls for a single JK map, I'm finding challenges in getting the first third of my project (which I originally thought would be a single level) to fit on one map. Not only am I at 20,000 walls so far, and have yet to do, I need to make sure I don't go over 500 objects or so, and it looks like I'll rely only plenty of 3DO arcitecture for it.
  • Rendered surfaces. MotS may have done this with the security checkpoints, but I'm not too sure, and I'd like to see it done in real time, to make good reflections possible.
Wake up, George Lucas... The Matrix has you...
2004-10-08, 2:30 PM #44
While every is speaking of this, I have a surprise: My father is a programmer, and he is decoding the compiled code. Hehe, he says he'll be done soon.
Nothing to see here, move along.
2004-10-08, 3:06 PM #45
Although it's just sort of illegal in every way.
ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2004-10-08, 3:17 PM #46
Originally posted by SF_GoldG_01
While every is speaking of this, I have a surprise: My father is a programmer, and he is decoding the compiled code. Hehe, he says he'll be done soon.

Not to mention the fact that it is illegal, but decompiling a program is tedious, long, and very nearly impossible in most cases. To decompile JK would take a staff of people a good few months or more to crack everything.
2004-10-08, 3:20 PM #47
ROFL! Suprise you're under arrest.
2004-10-08, 3:34 PM #48
Decompiling it is easy, but working on large scale programs in assembly is near impossible.
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2004-10-08, 3:34 PM #49
Originally posted by Glyde Bane
What would YOU do if the source code for Jedi Knight was released?

Play Half-life 2.
2004-10-08, 3:58 PM #50
Originally posted by Emon
Decompiling it is easy, but working on large scale programs in assembly is near impossible.

Rollercoaster Tychoon 2 was written entirely in Assembly.
VTEC just kicked in, yo!
2004-10-08, 4:01 PM #51 I doubt that.

Edit: Wait, isn't the the old one that's not true 3D?
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2004-10-08, 8:42 PM #52
JK is too old to revamp. Too much work would be required. If anything someone should at least have the Sith Engine with the MotS upgrades such as colored lighting.
2004-10-09, 5:41 PM #53
Would it be possible to make the textures not have to have L/W of powers of 2? So you could have a 100x187 size texture.
May the mass times acceleration be with you.
2004-10-09, 11:32 PM #54
Originally posted by Darth Slaw
Would it be possible to make the textures not have to have L/W of powers of 2? So you could have a 100x187 size texture.

Possible? Yes. Feasable? No. It only adds a little ammount of space to the texture to make the rest of it transparent/blank, and that area would be compressed down to almost nothing.
Wake up, George Lucas... The Matrix has you...
2004-10-10, 9:59 AM #55
I'd probably port the minimum code necessary for playing existing JK and MotS projects into a modern open source engine like Ogre3D, ensuring full backward compatibility while allowing for new features to be used. Then I'd work on implementing a different scriping engine like LuaScript or JavaScript, finally getting rid of CogScript's primitive syntax and features.

Wouldn't that be sweet.
Dreams of a dreamer from afar to a fardreamer.
2004-10-10, 5:54 PM #56
I'd probably compile it.
That painting was a gift, Todd. I'm taking it with me.

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