To lose weight, differs from person to person. Some people can eat their guts out with fatty foods, and still lose weight. While others can eat healthy, have one chocolate bar, and put on a pound or two (figuratively speaking).
If you want to lose weight, do this:
Depending on how heavy you are, start off at a slow pace. First thing to know is, NEVER OVERWORK YOURSELF. This causes more damage than help, and is the number 1 rule in EVERYTHING workout related... Jogging, sports, lifting weights, etc.
Run, every day. At least 20 to 30 minutes of cardio. This is all the cardio you actually need. Your other cardio exercises you do in your daily routine's.
Try when you run, to have a goal of running at least a mile to a mile and a half, this is well within a good range for weight loss.
Your diet is the most important aside from cardio exercise. Healthy food's. Cut out most, if not, all your sugar's, since you get natural sugar's in healthy foods such as apple's, orange's, etc.
If you want to bulk up FAST muscle wise, I suggest my workout plan...
(WORK OUT OPPOSITES, ALWAYS.. Don't go into the gym and work out every single muscle group in one day, this is worthless and will take an exceptionaly long time to see strong results)
Working out opposite's, is simple. All it means is if you work out your chest, you work out your back in the same day. You work out your bicep's, you work out your triceps. The incorrect way is when you work out your biceps, then back, then chest, etc.
Day 1
Biceps and Triceps
Try to do at least 3 or 4 different exercises for each group, biceps and triceps. 12 rep's each set, 3 repetitions of each set as well.
It helps too, if you throw in a "power" set at the end. A power set is where you do a particular exercise at your max weight, complete that set and as soon as you're done, grab some weights that are slightly smaller in weight, and do another set.
I.e Bicep Curls - 3 set's, +1 power set.
Power set = 40 pounds, 12 reps
35 Pounds, 10 reps
25 pounds, 10 reps
15 pounds, 10 reps
By now your arms will be shot. This totally works out your muscles. Do a power set at the end of each exercise for each group when you choose to do them... Like chest, biceps and triceps.
Day 2
Biceps and Triceps again.
Contrary to popular belief, you do not need a straight 24 hours for your muscles to retain their full capacity and repair themselve's. You can "shock" your muscles, which helps them to grow faster.
However, this is the max you should do. Meaning that 2 days straight of each group is all you should do, if you don't want to tear your muscle's that is.
Day 3
Chest and Back
Day 4
Chest and Back
As well, each day, if you have time... Do some abdominal exercises. The key most people miss here is RESISTANCE. A lot of people think that simple crunches will do the trick, but this will only strengthen your abdominal muscles. To build the muscles, (make them pop out, 6 pack style), you need to add resistance.
There's many ways to do this, like putting a weight behind your head while you do a crunch....But the best way I find is my way:
Sit in an inclined chair, like one you'd see people doing common bicep or chest exercises on with free weight's. Attach a rope or something you can grip behind your back to one of the Universal machine's.
You should be able to sit in the chair, with the attached cable behind your head, gripping it with your hand's. All you do, is a crunch in the chair forwards, SLOWLY. And as you do the crunch, KEEP YOUR ABS FLEXED. The entire time. 3 set's of these at 12 reps each, and your abs will be shot. I guarantee it.
Another key to building muscle fast, is to use free weight's. Do not use the universal machines, as these are designed for toning more than building. They do work, however provide much slower results as they help you throughout your exercises.
I can provide more tips as well.