Today I have my induction day at my new job, I need to make a good impression, in terms of appearance and confidence.
Started new skin medicines, but makes my face dry and red, and its difficult to hide. What the hell can I do about it? Not much!
And supposed to be getting it on/asking out lizzie girl from uni, I NEED GOOD LUCK!!
Jiggle for me my pretties, JIGGLE/OSCILLATE/JOSTLE/JERK for me
Started new skin medicines, but makes my face dry and red, and its difficult to hide. What the hell can I do about it? Not much!
And supposed to be getting it on/asking out lizzie girl from uni, I NEED GOOD LUCK!!
Jiggle for me my pretties, JIGGLE/OSCILLATE/JOSTLE/JERK for me

if(getThingFlags(source) & 0x8){ do her} elseif(getThingFlags(source) & 0x4){ do other babe} else{ do a dude}