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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Your favourite soda or mix in general
Your favourite soda or mix in general
2004-10-13, 9:02 PM #1
This is inspired by the wave of mountain dew threads....

What soda do you like in general? There is other stuff besides mountain dew, you know. :)

I normally like coca-cola, but I also like mixing stuff.


The ingredients are sprite and Barq's root beer, and here's the recipe:

(I can only do it right on those self-serve drink machines they have at fast food places) if you f*** the recipe up its no good, but when you do it right it tastes great.

Basically, you fill a glass all the way to the top with sprite, and then you add 2 pushes of Barq's ( 1 push = hit the button for Barq's really fast so a very small ammount gets added to the mix. ).

mix, thouroughly with a straw, and enjoy. It goes right to your sinuses, but in a good tingly way, and its incredibly strong and fizzy. Drink it slowly.

The flavor is a little bit like orange, and if you mixed it right, the drink should be a pale yellowish color. if its orange or brown you added too much barqs. you will either love it or hate it.
2004-10-13, 9:05 PM #2
7-up, followed by Sierra mist. Sprite can kiss my ***.
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2004-10-13, 9:06 PM #3
Bacardi and Coke. If there's no Bacardi available, I'll just take some water.
The Massassi-Map
There is no spoon.
2004-10-13, 9:07 PM #4
Coca-Cola or some form of carbonated lemon drink.
Rock is dead - but I believe in necrophilia.
2004-10-13, 9:07 PM #5
Drunk out of a cold can on a hot day after physical strain: Coke
Slurpee: Mountain dew Livewire
Mix: Equal parts coke and sprite
Sitting around drinking fizzy stuff: Barq's
2004-10-13, 9:14 PM #6

That is the ONLY soda I'll drink.
"In the beginning, the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move." - Douglas Adams
Are you finding Ling-Ling's head?
Last Stand
2004-10-13, 9:18 PM #7
50% Dr. Pepper
25% Coke (Pepsi, if coke is not availiable)
25% Barq's
The tired anthem of a loser and a hypocrite.
2004-10-13, 9:19 PM #8
generally i drink diet coke.

try mixing Sprite and Tang. messy, but the result is something like fizzy pineapple juice.


but my favourite mix of all time...

1 part Grenadine
6 parts OJ
2 parts Tequila.

its called a sunrise. enjoy.
My girlfriend paid a lot of money for that tv; I want to watch ALL OF IT. - JM
2004-10-13, 9:34 PM #9
dnL and Mountain Dew Pitch Black.
2004-10-13, 10:00 PM #10
Pepsi or sprite.
[01:52] <~Nikumubeki> Because it's MBEGGAR BEGS LIKE A BEGONI.
2004-10-13, 10:17 PM #11
During the summer, my brother and I would go through Fred Meyer brand "Dr. K" like it was the antidote.

Generally I'll enjoy any brand or flavour of soda I drink, enough to finish it off at least. I'm not terribly fond of the vanilla flavoured colas, though.

As far as slurpees go, I like the soda flavoured ones better than the fruit or pina colada type ones. I probably get Coke/Pepsi a majority of the time.

Speaking of slurpees, is any one else even aware of the huge difference in slurpee consistency between Canada and America? I had no idea until I moved down here. I've always been a fan of a good slurpee, and growing up in Canada I was accustomed to the syrup/ice ratio, flavour levels, ice chunk's just something you get used to. But when I moved down to Oregon a few years ago, I found out that the slurpees are really, really different. They're almost like a foam...the especially bad ones will even rise up over the top of the cup after a few minutes. The ice is very fine, and there's lots of bubbles's odd.

I guess it's pretty hard to explain, but anyone who's had their share of slurpees in both country knows exactly what I'm talking about. In fact, my brother said he even found a webpage devoted to the comparison between Canadian slurpees and American slurpees one day, so someone out there knows what I'm talking about.
2004-10-13, 10:18 PM #12
Originally posted by Tyler

Generally I'll enjoy any brand or flavour of soda I drink, enough to finish it off at least. I'm not terribly fond of the vanilla flavoured colas, though.

agreed. It's always nasty. i thought vanilla coke tasted like chalk.

then again, pepsi blue was a whole lot worse.... Then again, I thought I repressed that memory.
2004-10-13, 10:53 PM #13
Originally posted by Ford
but my favourite mix of all time...

1 part Grenadine
6 parts OJ
2 parts Tequila.

its called a sunrise. enjoy.

A double, I see :p

I don't really mix sodas anymore. I used to mix everything from the fountain when I was younger
Pissed Off?
2004-10-14, 2:52 AM #14
Pommac. Most of you have probably never heard of it, as it's a Nordic (Swedish originally) brand (albeit an old brand), but here's something of it in English:

An excerpt:
"Pommac differs from other carbonated drinks because of the fact that the raw material is stored in oak barrels for at least three months before the final beverage is made – another throwback to the fine wine and brandy which inspired the drink’s name."
Frozen in the past by ICARUS
2004-10-14, 4:26 AM #15
I find all the silly american's who like Dr. Pepper.. uh.. crazy.

Nobody up here in Canada likes it, I swear. Anyways... My favourite would have to be Diet Pepsi. That, or Vanilla coke.

And it's not SODA it's POP! ARAGahghah... *gurgle*
"Jayne, this is something the Captain has to do for himself"

"N-No it's not!"

2004-10-14, 6:26 AM #16
Simple fact: I cannot stand ANY form of carbonated drink whatsoever. I don't know what it is, but I can't stand them, whether it be fruit flavored, Coke, Pepsi, Sprite... I despise them all.
"It is not advisable, James, to venture unsolicited opinions. You should spare yourself the embarrassing discovery of their exact value to your listener."
"Rationality is the recognition of the fact that nothing can alter the truth and nothing can take precedence over that act of perceiving it."
2004-10-14, 6:37 AM #17
50% coke
10% Orange
10% Barqs
100% enjoyment :cool:
2004-10-14, 10:20 AM #18
MUG, IBC, any other kind of root beer.
"Those ****ing amateurs... You left your dog, you idiots!"
2004-10-14, 10:37 AM #19
Kaustik soda.
VTEC just kicked in, yo!
2004-10-14, 11:49 AM #20
usually straight captain, but for mix i'd have to say captain and coke. ;) that hits the spot for me.
2004-10-14, 12:07 PM #21
2004-10-14, 12:10 PM #22
I hate coke, pepsi, dr. pepper (and all variations of those), but I like all other flavors.

And am I the only one that calls it "pop"? :p
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2004-10-14, 12:11 PM #23
Bacardi Limon + Coca-Cola.
2004-10-14, 12:44 PM #24
Originally posted by Katt
I hate coke, pepsi, dr. pepper (and all variations of those), but I like all other flavors.

And am I the only one that calls it "pop"? :p

Almost all Canadians call it pop!

"Jayne, this is something the Captain has to do for himself"

"N-No it's not!"

2004-10-14, 1:06 PM #25
I like spruce beer. I don't know anyone else who does. They all think it's filthy! :(
The music industry is a cruel and shallow money trench where thieves and pimps run free, and good men die like dogs. There's also a negative side.
2004-10-14, 2:36 PM #26
Northren Minnesotian's call it Pop too! Pop >>>>>>>>> Soda
I prefer Cherry Coke
Holy soap opera Batman. - FGR
Free Jin!
2004-10-14, 2:51 PM #27
Coca-Cola. Sprite. Dr Pepper. Cherry Coke. Vanilla Coke. Jones Soda. Canada Dry.

Also I'm in Canada. Also I really, really don't like Pepsi and most of its products. 7up tastes almost the same as Sprite, except it smells like the rhinoceros exhibit at the zoo.
"When it's time for this planet to die, you'll understand that you know absolutely nothing." — Bugenhagen
2004-10-14, 3:25 PM #28
I've never really gotten into mixing soft drinks... But a few combinations I've tried have worked, such as Vernors+raspberry soda. (Then again, I was inspired by a raspberry ginger ale)

However, I don't think anything can beat the Faygo brand. Too bad it's limited in spread (I think it's not to be found anywhere on the west coast). To me, nothing can beat Faygo's "Rock 'n Rye" soda...
Wake up, George Lucas... The Matrix has you...
2004-10-14, 3:42 PM #29
dr pepper

add vodka to taste.
2004-10-15, 6:06 AM #30
Apart from mountain dew my favourite soda is Irn-bru... try it you fools!
2004-10-15, 6:10 AM #31
50% Dr. Pepper
50% Sunkist
And when the moment is right, I'm gonna fly a kite.
2004-10-15, 8:25 AM #32
Ginger Ale + Cranbarry Juce = the balm
Laughing at my spelling herts my feelings. Well laughing is fine actully, but posting about it is not.
2004-10-15, 8:26 AM #33
Originally posted by Master Tonberry
Also I'm in Canada. Also I really, really don't like Pepsi and most of its products. 7up tastes almost the same as Sprite, except it smells like the rhinoceros exhibit at the zoo.
some one get this man a Sierra Mist
Laughing at my spelling herts my feelings. Well laughing is fine actully, but posting about it is not.
2004-10-15, 10:00 AM #34
Hmm, i love the taste of pepsi, Coca-cola sucks...
2004-10-15, 12:01 PM #35
if(getThingFlags(source) & 0x8){
  do her}
elseif(getThingFlags(source) & 0x4){
  do other babe}
  do a dude}
2004-10-15, 12:59 PM #36
Originally posted by Freelancer
7-up, followed by Sierra mist. Sprite can kiss my ***.

I definantly agree, i also like Sunkist, Slice can kiss my ***.
I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.
2004-10-15, 5:54 PM #37
Any form of orange soda floats my boat.
You could no more evade my wrath than you could your own shadow.
2004-10-15, 7:52 PM #38
Mountain Dew Code Red. Seriously, I could drink that stuff till my kidneys exploded.
2004-10-15, 8:56 PM #39
Originally posted by JediHunter_X
Mountain Dew Code Red. Seriously, I could drink that stuff till my kidneys exploded.


Oh, and its soda. I would never defile soda by calling it the same name as one of the worst music genres ever created.
A Knight's Tail
Exile: A Tale of Light in Dark
The Never Ending Story²
"I consume the life essence itself!... Preferably medium rare" - Mauldis

2004-10-15, 8:59 PM #40
Originally posted by JediHunter_X
Mountain Dew Code Red. Seriously, I could drink that stuff till my kidneys exploded.
See you in teh hospital then.

And I'm not sure what it is, but I like Pepsi better than Coke.

Vanilla pepsi was good; lemon twist was not so good -- I just didn't like that.

Somehow, I've stopped liking cream soda... used to be my favorite... :\
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