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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Ruined Halo
Ruined Halo
2004-10-15, 5:34 PM #1
So we had a free day in CISCO networking today at school. We braught in 2 X-Box's and set it all up. We had already set up a game, (Halo) and they said that we needed to play a new game. They started up a game, and we joined it.

Everyone's invisable,
Everyone's got a rocket launcher, nothing else (Which has little to no ammo, mind you),
Everyone's against everyone else,
No radar.

Attention: This isn't fun.

OK, so we dropped out of the game and made our own game and refused to play unless they were going to join our game. We set up a CTF, blood-gulch, human weapons, unlimited grenades.

Attention: This is fun... unless...

It's 3 against 4 (We had 4) but your team-mates are cannon fodder. It was more like 2 against 3, and the other team played regularly together. Jake and I had to defend and capture the flag with NO help, usually a hinder from our team-mates. One kid finally figured out how to aim (Even though we'd told him about 100 times to press down the right analog stick) and just started shooting anything moving with any weapon, calling it 'sniping' to 'protect' our 'base' when he was doing none of this no where near our base. We couldn't even get them collected enough to drive around with the warthog to shoot the people on the roof of the enemy base, than pick up the flag barer when he came out. They didn't get it; at all. First off, they couldn't figure out how to drive, then when they finally did, the gunner shot US instead of the oposing force. On top of all of this, no one was back guarding our base, because we needed all of our players just to coordinate the warthog, provide cover for it, and gun from it.

Worst halo game ever. Multi-linking X-box's is usually the most insane and fun thing in the world; that is, when you've got a good constructed team.

Oh, by the way: Halo 2 is nothing but a halo mod with a sword, and slightly better graphics.

ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2004-10-15, 5:57 PM #2
I never really found halo that good anyways
2004-10-15, 6:10 PM #3
It's fun, especially when you're the only sober one playing.
the idiot is the person who follows the idiot and your not following me your insulting me your following the path of a idiot so that makes you the idiot - LC Tusken
2004-10-15, 6:10 PM #4
Originally posted by jEDIkIRBY
Oh, by the way: Halo 2 is nothing but a halo mod with a sword, and slightly better graphics.

Console gamers don't care about that. Look at how popular Madden is.

Buy me Bonestorm or go to hell!
"I got kicked off the high school debate team for saying 'Yeah? Well, **** you!'
... I thought I had won."
2004-10-15, 7:30 PM #5
PC gamers are gonna preach about rehashes and unoriginality on consoles?

You sure you want to go there? Think hard.
2004-10-15, 7:33 PM #6
Originally posted by Spectrael
PC gamers are gonna preach about rehashes and unoriginality on consoles?

You sure you want to go there? Think hard.

Sure why not.

Both have tons of rehashes, but PC games always has had and always will have more original games.
2004-10-15, 7:38 PM #7
Kirby, that's what? One really bad expirence? Try playing online. It's about 60 times worse. Either everyone online is a effing moron, or I manage to find all the ****ty games.
"In the beginning, the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move." - Douglas Adams
Are you finding Ling-Ling's head?
Last Stand
2004-10-15, 7:41 PM #8
It's fun, especially when you're the only sober one playing.

It's more fun when everyone that's playing, including you, are not sober :)
2004-10-15, 8:43 PM #9
Originally posted by Connection Problem
Sure why not.

Both have tons of rehashes, but PC games always has had and always will have more original games.

Name one original game released on PC this year. Name one to be released in the near future.
2004-10-15, 8:54 PM #10
Originally posted by Spectrael
PC gamers are gonna preach about rehashes and unoriginality on consoles?

You sure you want to go there? Think hard.

If that was partially directed at me, it should be noted that I am a console gamer, and I don't care that Halo 2 is a lot like Halo 1. It'll still be fun. If it's not broke, don't fix it.
"I got kicked off the high school debate team for saying 'Yeah? Well, **** you!'
... I thought I had won."
2004-10-15, 8:55 PM #11
Evil Genius, Sid Meier's Pirates!

Your turn?
2004-10-15, 8:58 PM #12
Originally posted by Spectrael
Name one original game released on PC this year. Name one to be released in the near future.

*insert some joke about pasta and fruit scuffles*
2004-10-15, 9:06 PM #13
Originally posted by Chaz Ghostle
If that was partially directed at me, it should be noted that I am a console gamer, and I don't care that Halo 2 is a lot like Halo 1. It'll still be fun. If it's not broke, don't fix it.

Quoted for truth. Gameplay will be largely the same, only better because of the tweaks and new additions.
"In the beginning, the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move." - Douglas Adams
Are you finding Ling-Ling's head?
Last Stand
2004-10-15, 9:56 PM #14
Originally posted by Temperamental
It's more fun when everyone that's playing, including you, are not sober :)

I suck enough as it is. Plus, I become easily distracted when drunk. Sobriety gives me an edge over all my (normally) good friends.
the idiot is the person who follows the idiot and your not following me your insulting me your following the path of a idiot so that makes you the idiot - LC Tusken
2004-10-15, 10:13 PM #15
Originally posted by Connection Problem
Evil Genius, Sid Meier's Pirates!

Your turn?

You just named a RTS and an AA. How is that original? Original concept, maybe.

Perhaps I should have been more clear and said original gameplay design.

Let me just get straight to it. PC gaming is about rehashed as you can get. Saturated with FPS after FPS after the Sims. Throw in a few MMORPGS. DooM III, Half-Life 2, Call of Duty, Counter-Strike, RtCW, Quake, Unreal, Tribes. How many freakin' FPSs does one need?
2004-10-15, 10:44 PM #16
...have you even played half of the games you just listed?

"'Terminator 3,' 'Jurassic Park,' 'Aliens 3,' and 'Desperado!' Gah! How many action movies do you need[/i[?"
the idiot is the person who follows the idiot and your not following me your insulting me your following the path of a idiot so that makes you the idiot - LC Tusken
2004-10-15, 10:51 PM #17
Originally posted by Spectrael
How many freakin' FPSs does one need?

You're right. We need only one of each of each game type. Then we'll be equal. No complaints, no this-is-better-than-that, no choice. Nothing. Uniqueness in only that it is the only one type to exist. Dear God, he's found the secret.
"We came, we saw, we conquered, we...woke up!"
2004-10-16, 1:00 AM #18
I realise that all those games are different, Wolfy, but my point was that they're all FPS. So how does that make them original? More along the line of rehashes and unoriginality.

Sure, consoles have their share of rehashes, but the sheer variety in console games brings it down to less than that of the PC. Every single major PC release seems to be an RTS, FPS, or an RPG.
2004-10-16, 1:12 AM #19
Uh... Every single major console release seems to be an FPS, RPG, fighting game, or sports game.

You're listing genres, which is very general. You have to look much closer. What makes Super Smash Brothers different from Mortal Combat? What Makes Doom 3 different from Call of Duty?
"I got kicked off the high school debate team for saying 'Yeah? Well, **** you!'
... I thought I had won."
2004-10-16, 2:19 AM #20
Originally posted by jEDIkIRBY
Oh, by the way: Halo 2 is nothing but a halo mod with a sword, and slightly better graphics.


I hope you're kidding. Halo 2 plays NOTHING like Halo. It's cool...but plays nothing like it. Seriously. It's a completely different game.

I know this.
2004-10-16, 5:25 AM #21
How do you know this.... oh wait its been stolen...
2004-10-16, 6:35 AM #22
Originally posted by Spectrael
I realise that all those games are different, Wolfy, but my point was that they're all FPS. So how does that make them original? More along the line of rehashes and unoriginality.

Their story and execution make them original. Call of Duty does not play like DooM3 does not play like Half-Life 2 does not play like Quake does not play like Unreal does not play like Tribes.

By your logic, there exists not a single original drama since the first drama, not a single original love story since the first.
the idiot is the person who follows the idiot and your not following me your insulting me your following the path of a idiot so that makes you the idiot - LC Tusken
2004-10-16, 6:41 AM #23
Originally posted by Wolfy
I suck enough as it is. Plus, I become easily distracted when drunk. Sobriety gives me an edge over all my (normally) good friends.

You'd be surprised how many people suck while sober but play unbelievably well when drunk.
2004-10-16, 6:53 AM #24
I like the way people around here complain about the lack of new and original games coming out these days. But as soon as it becomes PCs vs Consoles, all of a sudden the PC seems to heaps of innovative software products. And the myriad of re-hashed FPS games suddenly have strikingly different nuances.
2004-10-16, 10:45 AM #25
Originally posted by Spectrael
I realise that all those games are different, Wolfy, but my point was that they're all FPS. So how does that make them original? More along the line of rehashes and unoriginality.

Sure, consoles have their share of rehashes, but the sheer variety in console games brings it down to less than that of the PC. Every single major PC release seems to be an RTS, FPS, or an RPG.

You forgot to list your original games BTW.

And if you're going to say that those games aren't original, then well, nothing is. You do realize it's possible to have an original RTS?(Savage), or an original FPS(MDK)?

Let me just get straight to it. PC gaming is about rehashed as you can get. Saturated with FPS after FPS after the Sims. Throw in a few MMORPGS. DooM III, Half-Life 2, Call of Duty, Counter-Strike, RtCW, Quake, Unreal, Tribes. How many freakin' FPSs does one need?

Wow, I didn't even mention an FPS because I knew you'd pull out that card. Anyways, the FPS is like the most ground-breaking genre in more than a decade... The only possible competition being.... MMORPGS?? Another genre that is pretty much dominated by PC gaming.

And then you go on to list a bunch of FPS games... you've got to be kidding me. Counter-Strike, the most popular online game EVER, doing what no other game even came close to in 1999... That CAN'T be creative! It's only one of the most ground-breaking games EVER :rolleyes:

Quake... like that wasn't original? Tribes? You're mentioning some of the best early FPS games ever. All of them had a huge impact on the industry... why? We'd never seen anything like it before. They are creative!
2004-10-16, 10:59 AM #26
I too was going to mention Savage, what a great game.
"Honey, you got real ugly."
2004-10-16, 11:25 AM #27
Fallout, KotOR, Deus Ex (FPRPG, sue me), Max Payne (was originally for comp, ported to other systems, iirc), The Sims (it WAS friggin original), Sim City

All original.
2004-10-16, 12:29 PM #28
You can not define originality by genre. It doesn't work. Otherwise King Lear and Romeo and Juliet wouldn't be originals because they are both literary tragedies. Originality is defined by story and plot. Neverwinter Nights and KotOR are originals. They have similar rules and recognizable features from past experiences(like a Paladin class and lightsabers), but they have original stories and plots. Far Cry is an original game, even though it's an FPS. Do not confuse original concept(how the game is played) and original game. Star Wars Battlefront is an original game, but not an original concept.
Democracy: rule by the stupid
2004-10-16, 12:49 PM #29
Originally posted by Morfildor
You'd be surprised how many people suck while sober but play unbelievably well when drunk.

Not this guy. :)
the idiot is the person who follows the idiot and your not following me your insulting me your following the path of a idiot so that makes you the idiot - LC Tusken
2004-10-16, 12:53 PM #30
Deus Ex (FPRPG, sue me)

System Shock 2 was the original FPSRPG.
2004-10-16, 12:56 PM #31
Well really System Shock 1, although 2 was more indepth.
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2004-10-16, 4:44 PM #32
Originally posted by jEDIkIRBY

Oh, by the way: Halo 2 is nothing but a halo mod with a sword, and slightly better graphics.

While I enjoy playing a game of Halo, it's very overrated. For the most part, it has the generic formula for an FPS, with perhaps the exception of vehicles.
2004-10-16, 5:08 PM #33
Originally posted by JASRCC_Uber0010
System Shock 2 was the original FPSRPG.

No, there was one based on the Doom or Quake engine, which was really old, but officially the first FPSRPG. Deus Ex was much more original than SS 1 or 2 (in my opinion!)
2004-10-16, 5:12 PM #34
Strife was the game. I got it at the Office Depot bargain bin for $5, then lost it. Five years later, I'm at a roleplaying[/b] auction, and it goes up and I buy that sucker.
the idiot is the person who follows the idiot and your not following me your insulting me your following the path of a idiot so that makes you the idiot - LC Tusken
2004-10-16, 5:41 PM #35
Originally posted by Spectrael
I realise that all those games are different, Wolfy, but my point was that they're all FPS. So how does that make them original? More along the line of rehashes and unoriginality.

so, technically, there can only be one original drama, action, comedy, sports and horror film.. ever?

wow... uhm... no.
2004-10-16, 6:18 PM #36
Originally posted by Spectrael
Name one original game released on PC this year. Name one to be released in the near future.

Thief: the dark project. I win.
It took a while for you to find me; I was hiding in the lime tree.
2004-10-16, 6:25 PM #37
Farcry was released this year, and while it's not completely original, the environs and the enemy AI are both amazing.

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