So I was playing the PC demo for Midnight Club II yesterday, and I stumbled across this!
(Thats an adress on a window by the way. Plus that's the only adress I've only seen.
Anyways... I thought it was kind of cool so there!
"With Great power comes great Responibility. Seems like the converse should be true as well. Now where the heck is my great Power?"
(Thats an adress on a window by the way. Plus that's the only adress I've only seen.
Anyways... I thought it was kind of cool so there!
"With Great power comes great Responibility. Seems like the converse should be true as well. Now where the heck is my great Power?"
Ban Jin!
Nobody really needs work when you have awesome. - xhuxus
Nobody really needs work when you have awesome. - xhuxus