I think that lightning is a better spell, at least for lower levels... It wasn't until arround level 50 when it ceased to eliminate 90% of the opposition in a single casting. I also got that glitch (when I posted about it "freezing", that was EXACTLY what was happening). Thanks for your tip on the Nuke spell, though; that should GREATLY help things. My stats when I quite went somethign like:
- Level: 73
- Fortress: maxed
- Health: 10,700
- Click power: costed 38,500 for the latest upgrade (I was neglecting it for a while)
- Spells: Heal, Shockwave, Lightning, Instant Kill, Nuke
- Runes: ~400 Magic, ~300 Fire, ~200 Explosion, very few others.
My tactics were largely to use a shockwave as the first machines reached the half-way point, then wait for enough buildup, then frying them with a lightning bolt; it killed eveything but the wizards, for some reason...
...Unfortunately, I wasn't at a computer I could download it at, so I have to start over. (and I had spent over an hour on it!) My only complaint was that it was quite often that the computer lagged so much (even on the low setting) that I couldn't attack again quickly. It's not really a problem with the computer, though; They use a P4 1.7 Ghz, with 512MB of RAM.