Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but if you are an officer in the military you literally sign your life away. The government owns you. They can call you back into service any time they want. I'm not sure if I should pity him for not having the patience to read through the entire contract he signed, or, if he knew about that clause, if I should be pissed that he is trying to get out of the contract he signed by joining the civil lawsuit bandwagon of those that want all the privledges of adulthood but none of the responsibility of adulthood.
Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but if you are an officer in the military you literally sign your life away. The government owns you. They can call you back into service any time they want. I'm not sure if I should pity him for not having the patience to read through the entire contract he signed, or, if he knew about that clause, if I should be pissed that he is trying to get out of the contract he signed by joining the civil lawsuit bandwagon of those that want all the privledges of adulthood but none of the responsibility of adulthood.
Democracy: rule by the stupid