I just got done playing Rome Total War, and that game is the best strategy game I have ever played. I love the changes they made in game system(i.e. no more province by province moving). So, I have three questions.
1) Why do you like the nation you like?
2) Is there any way, if any, to limit the lose of money due to corruption? That kicked my *** in the late game.
3) What is the most bad *** unit that doesn't cost an arm and a leg and doesn't take forever to build?
The reason I ask that last one is because I noticed Roman Legionnaries cost a lot to train and Praetorians/Urbans take 2 turns to build one unit.
I finished playing Rome, and now I'm playing as Parthia. It's a lot different on battles. Parthia relies on it's cavalry and you can't use cavalry like you use infantry. They require a lot more micromanagement.
1) Why do you like the nation you like?
2) Is there any way, if any, to limit the lose of money due to corruption? That kicked my *** in the late game.
3) What is the most bad *** unit that doesn't cost an arm and a leg and doesn't take forever to build?
The reason I ask that last one is because I noticed Roman Legionnaries cost a lot to train and Praetorians/Urbans take 2 turns to build one unit.
I finished playing Rome, and now I'm playing as Parthia. It's a lot different on battles. Parthia relies on it's cavalry and you can't use cavalry like you use infantry. They require a lot more micromanagement.
Democracy: rule by the stupid