I found this jewel of an e-mail in my Mizzou inbox. Keep in mind that I am 100% white anglo-saxon, and I think they might have missed their mark in sending this to me.
Remember back in 2000 when the East St. Louis polling precincts were closed early? And remember how registered voters were denied the right to vote if there was a felon somewhere in the US with the same name? Oh, and remember how Al Gore won the popular vote but the election was instead decided by the Supreme Court? Remember?...
Could this all have been an effort to disenfranchise black voters? I mean I know that over 90% of East St. Louis is black, 80% of all convicted felons are black, and 89% of the Supreme Court is white, but surely there had to be another explanation! After all, it's not like this kind of injustice has ever occurred before, right?
They would have you think that if they could, trust me. It's a little thing called the system, and this system is always at work. In fact it put Bush in office back in 2000, which is why we have a President who puts corporate profits first (and Americans second). There's a problem indeed with a President who cares more about money than his country.
Innocent people are dying in Iraq, and for what... Oil? Defense contracts? It sure as hell isn't Bin Laden. And isn't it interesting when you look at a war timeline of past administrations... Was America at war when Reagan held office? No. Bush? Yes. Clinton? No. Bush? Yes. (I guess Sadam must have started posing a threat to America again in 2000, gathering weapons of mass destruction to use against us.)
What else can we thank the Bush administration for?... let's see, there was the 35% nation-wide rise in college tuition costs since 2001, the budget surplus he squandered, and the fiscal policies that fuel job outsourcing. Does it seem like a tough job market? Well that's because you're not in India or China. And the sad thing is that Corporate America is exploiting these labor markets, paying workers $1.50 an hour, then selling the goods back to Americans for thirty times the cost.
You know what I like about the system?... Nothing. Unless you're rich and powerful it works against you. This system was running full throttle 4 years ago, and now it tries to make you think that your vote doesn't count when the truth is it could decide this election. Vote!... skip class if you have to. Call everyone you know. Make your voice heard!... but this time, Say It Loud so they can hear you.
Could this all have been an effort to disenfranchise black voters? I mean I know that over 90% of East St. Louis is black, 80% of all convicted felons are black, and 89% of the Supreme Court is white, but surely there had to be another explanation! After all, it's not like this kind of injustice has ever occurred before, right?
They would have you think that if they could, trust me. It's a little thing called the system, and this system is always at work. In fact it put Bush in office back in 2000, which is why we have a President who puts corporate profits first (and Americans second). There's a problem indeed with a President who cares more about money than his country.
Innocent people are dying in Iraq, and for what... Oil? Defense contracts? It sure as hell isn't Bin Laden. And isn't it interesting when you look at a war timeline of past administrations... Was America at war when Reagan held office? No. Bush? Yes. Clinton? No. Bush? Yes. (I guess Sadam must have started posing a threat to America again in 2000, gathering weapons of mass destruction to use against us.)
What else can we thank the Bush administration for?... let's see, there was the 35% nation-wide rise in college tuition costs since 2001, the budget surplus he squandered, and the fiscal policies that fuel job outsourcing. Does it seem like a tough job market? Well that's because you're not in India or China. And the sad thing is that Corporate America is exploiting these labor markets, paying workers $1.50 an hour, then selling the goods back to Americans for thirty times the cost.
You know what I like about the system?... Nothing. Unless you're rich and powerful it works against you. This system was running full throttle 4 years ago, and now it tries to make you think that your vote doesn't count when the truth is it could decide this election. Vote!... skip class if you have to. Call everyone you know. Make your voice heard!... but this time, Say It Loud so they can hear you.
the idiot is the person who follows the idiot and your not following me your insulting me your following the path of a idiot so that makes you the idiot - LC Tusken