I was reffering to taking the "old way" for light-up keys that involved running a wire through the board below the keys, and up through the base of the key. Unfortunately, with a modern membrane-type board, there's no room between the top section of the board (which the keys are placed on) and the bottom section, as the membrance must be held in place well. (I once ruined a board by accidentially displacing the two when I opened one up for cleaning) However, although not as elegant, one could easily run wiring inside the top edge of the board, "north" of the keys, and over arround to the side of the CapsLock key. You'd then need to have a hole in the keyboard, that would be visible beneath the keys. Such a hole, and the visible wiring there would require some extra work to make it not lose it's aesthetic appeal, but it could be done. I didn't contest that.
Wake up, George Lucas... The Matrix has you...