Ok, apparently the whole idea behind an argument has been lost around here. The point of an argument is to convince your opponent that your position is correct. This cannot be achieved by flaming him. It can only be achieved by calmly and respectfully arguing your opponents position. Flaming your opponent will only cause him to think his own position is right. Insulting some one because he disagrees with you is something 10 year olds do. Not mature adults.
Also, just because you disagree with some one is not a reason to hate him or to not respect him. While it may limit your relationship to some extent it is very arrogant to not respect someone’s opinion even if you know/think it is wrong. The only reason to dislike some one as a result of an argument would be if they have stated their opinion in an arrogant manner, and/or have insulted you for believing differently from you.
On a personal note, as a Christian I do believe that some things are evil, but I do not in any way believe that I am better than anyone else. I believe that all including me have sinned and have fallen short of the glory of God, and but for the grace of God I would be condemned to his wrath. I don’t believe that it was through any effort, work or will of mine that I have become a Christian, but purely through God’s grace. Therefore it would be very arrogant to assume that I am any better than any one else. It would like taking the credit for some one rescuing me from a river. Because of that, I have a responsibility to God, to be a humble witness for my religion. I cannot do this by acting arrogantly, or by wrongly assuming that I am some how better than any one else.
We do have disagreements and arguments in the forum, but please in the future try do argue with a humbler more respectful attitude of trying to get the other person to agree with you. I am not saying I have always argued with the right attitude, but I would like to see us all try to make an effort to do this our debates and be more worthwhile experiences.
Also, just because you disagree with some one is not a reason to hate him or to not respect him. While it may limit your relationship to some extent it is very arrogant to not respect someone’s opinion even if you know/think it is wrong. The only reason to dislike some one as a result of an argument would be if they have stated their opinion in an arrogant manner, and/or have insulted you for believing differently from you.
On a personal note, as a Christian I do believe that some things are evil, but I do not in any way believe that I am better than anyone else. I believe that all including me have sinned and have fallen short of the glory of God, and but for the grace of God I would be condemned to his wrath. I don’t believe that it was through any effort, work or will of mine that I have become a Christian, but purely through God’s grace. Therefore it would be very arrogant to assume that I am any better than any one else. It would like taking the credit for some one rescuing me from a river. Because of that, I have a responsibility to God, to be a humble witness for my religion. I cannot do this by acting arrogantly, or by wrongly assuming that I am some how better than any one else.
We do have disagreements and arguments in the forum, but please in the future try do argue with a humbler more respectful attitude of trying to get the other person to agree with you. I am not saying I have always argued with the right attitude, but I would like to see us all try to make an effort to do this our debates and be more worthwhile experiences.