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ForumsDiscussion Forum → I've extremely retroactive...
I've extremely retroactive...
2004-04-11, 5:24 AM #1
...and installed Final Fantasy 7. Man this is one game I'd never tire of. Already I've just escaped Midgar, and started my tour of the 'outside' world. Even the graphics for the time of release of this game were, IMHO, quite good.

So, I do have a question. Where are all these "Summon Materia" I keep hearing about? I know most are hard to find, but I haven't found one yet? Any help...?

I am a nobody, and nobody is perfect; therefore, I am perfect.

Everyday I beat my own previous record for number of consecutive days I've stayed alive.

Yahoo! Name : jedibruintone77
I am a nobody, and nobody is perfect; therefore, I am perfect.

Everyday I beat my own previous record for number of consecutive days I've stayed alive.

My Canada includes Beavers.
2004-04-11, 5:48 AM #2
I love FFVII, my problem is I am always way to dead to get past the busted down train track... I suck [] i can't even get off of disc ONE!!!!!

I’m not going to die, I’m going to see if I was ever alive. - Spike
It's not your right to decide whether they live or die. They deserve a chance! - Vash
[This message has been edited by EvanC (edited April 10, 2004).]
Think while it's still legal.
2004-04-11, 5:52 AM #3

When you expect the pain - nothing left to ascertain
When you respect the lie - Deadly chasm open wide
---Circle of Dust "Chasm"
He's Watching you
…( `\(o),,_/` ¯ : o : : : o`-, ….
2004-04-11, 5:53 AM #4
First summon materia is at the Chocobo Ranch. You have to talk to the Chocobos in the pen outside and make them do stuff.

The second one is on the boat to Costa Del Sol I think.
Detty. Professional Expert.
Flickr Twitter
2004-04-11, 5:53 AM #5
You dont get any summon materia until you get to the chocobo farm outside.. that city which I cant remember the name of. After that, you get shiva in junon after a scripted event, Ifrit after defeating the first Jenova.. and so on. Most of the summon materia are actually scripted into the game, and arent that hard to find. Only Knights of the Round is hard to get, and to get that, you raise a golden chocobo, and go to a small island in the Northeast corner of the world that isnt on the map, you go in the cave, and get the materia

"Just remember -- No matter how bad things get, Northern Minnesota will always be there"
-- Garrison Keeler
"If you watch television news, you will know less about the world than if you just drink gin straight out of the bottle."
--Garrison Keillor
2004-04-11, 5:53 AM #6
FF7 = one of the best games ever.

You are soon going to find those materias. The first one is in a chocobo ranch you'll get pretty soon (just play forward [] ).

<landfish> FastGamerr > Satan
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2004-04-11, 5:54 AM #7
Alexander is hard to find.
Detty. Professional Expert.
Flickr Twitter
2004-04-11, 5:54 AM #8
Three posts with the same meaning at the same time... hahahah []

<landfish> FastGamerr > Satan
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2004-04-11, 6:34 AM #9
Ugh.. Im gonna sucumb to the urges and start playing it again too

By the way, if you think the summons are hard to get, try getting all the enemy skills. It took me forever to get chocobuckle, I didnt have a clue how to get it
"Just remember -- No matter how bad things get, Northern Minnesota will always be there"
-- Garrison Keeler

[This message has been edited by fishstickz (edited April 11, 2004).]
"If you watch television news, you will know less about the world than if you just drink gin straight out of the bottle."
--Garrison Keillor
2004-04-11, 8:00 AM #10
Bah, ff7 was good. But Chrono Trigger pwns. Been playing through that again lately. Such a brilliant game. It makes snes sprite-graphics and tiles look damn good []

Pwns FF if nothing else in that, when you're walking around an area.. you can.. *GASP* see the enemies walking around too?!??!?!?! *concept* Or if they're hidden, they show how they arrive like dropping out of a tree. And you can run around them if you want.

That was one of the things which very quickly tends to turn me off about the FF games, you keep running into so many damn random encounters in broad fully-lit wide-open spaces that you can clear out three times and shortly therafter invisible groups of fives monsters pop out of the spotless tile-floor-with-no-hiding spots. It just gets really distracting intrusive and irritating to the point where it's hard for me at least to keep focus on the actual game for all the interruptions.

Especially in FF8, where [i don't know WHERE they came up with this brilliance], the monsters are always the same level as you basically, so it doesn't matter if you level up almost. So i finally just caved and added a no-random-encounters materia to one of my characters and called it good. Never finished FF8 anyways though, got to the point of having to fly the Garden around and couldn't for the life of me remember any of the names of the places on the map so got bored of flying around aimlessly and gave up.

[Blue Mink Bifocals !] [fsck -Rf /world/usr/] [<!-- kalimonster -->] [Capite Terram]
"If I said anything which implies that I think that we didn't do what we should have done given the choices we faced at the time, I shouldn't have said that." -William Jefferson Clinton

[This message has been edited by Dormouse (edited April 11, 2004).]
Also, I can kill you with my brain.
2004-04-11, 1:12 PM #11

End. Of. Story.

"The future is not determined by a throw of the dice, but is determined by the conscious decisions of you and me."
I am addicted to ellipses!!! AHHH!!! ...
Make Sorrowind Worthwhile... join it!
2004-04-12, 5:46 AM #12

  • A.K.A Spartanpigg @ MSN Zone
  • FUGE0> if i suddenly type in 911, trace my IP and have the paramedics show up at my door, with all these eggs, and smoking, it might very well kill me
  • A.K.A Spartanpigg @ MSN Zone
  • FUGE0: if i suddenly type in 911, trace my IP and have the paramedics show up at my door, with all these eggs, and smoking, it might very well kill me
  • Screenshots of various degrees of JK ownage
2004-04-12, 5:48 AM #13
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Cool Matty:

End. Of. Story.


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