By all that is good and holy, I read the whole thing! Bwahahahaha! I can feel my sanity slipping even now!
But more seriously, the whole thing becomes quite fascinating once you read far enough to begin to discover patterns in his deranged ramblings. I made a few notes as I read, just to keep my sanity intact. Behold, my journey into the midst of insanity:
To start off with, other than Time Cubes, this Gene Ray fellow seems quite obsessed with this "Word" thing. Hates it with a passion. What exactly does he mean by "word"? The unit of language? Possibly a reference to John chapter 1, where Christ is called "The Word"? Both? If so, then what the heck does a "Time Cube" have to do with God?
After a bit more reading, I stumbled upon this, which appears to be an attempt to explain the whole "Time Cube" thing.
Now, this is the first thing I read that came even close to making sense, and it's a quarter of the way down. If I'm reading it right, it's an interesting concept, but hardly revolutionary. Not sure why this fellow seems to think "life will be doomed" if nobody believes it...
I'd also been noticing quite a few racist comments at this point -- what does that have to do with Time Cubes, I wondered. Shortly, it was explained:
He claims to have been involved in a formal debate at MIT regarding Time Cubes. Of course, none of the links he gives about it work, but that proves nothing. If I were MIT I wouldn't exactly want the world to know I'd debated this guy.
The whole thing seems to be like one big incoherant blog, in reverse order. One really should read it from bottom to top, one section at a time, but I'm not bloody starting over. This is creepy.
At times it seems to resemble the gibberish you sometimes get in spam, used to simulate sentences to get by filters. Creepy.
The guy really seems to hate this "word" thing. Check it out:
That's about as close to an explanation of what he thinks this "word" thing is as we're gonna get. I still don't get it.
Keeps going on about "stupid students" and "evil educators" (nice bit of alliteration, that). If I didn't know better, I'd say he was a student at some university (MIT, perhaps?), who keeps seriously proposing these mad ramblings and gets mocked mercilessly for it.
I'm also noticing a hangup regarding adults and children. Seems to think adults are ignorant and brainwashed, and they're harming the children. If I was a psychologist, I would think that would be important somehow.
It's like the crazy crap you come up with in dreams, and you think it's all revolutionary and makes complete sense, but then when you wake up you're like: "What the heck was that?" Only this guy never woke up...
Ok, a bit of a clearer explanation of the whole "Time Cube" thing...
Makes enough sense. What doesn't make sense is what the heck this has to do with religion, words, the end of life, and a giant conspiracy to cover the whole thing up...
Anyway, that's the Cole's Notes version of this madman's near-incoherant ramblings. Now I need to go curl up in a corner somewhere and shudder in horror at the idea that this Gene Ray guy is out there somewhere, honestly believing this stuff. I mean, this stuff was posted over an extended period of time and displays enough internal coherancy to indicate that he's thought about this quite a bit, to understate the case slightly. I can only hope and pray that this is some elaborate joke, because otherwise may God help us all...
So sayest the Writer of Silly Things!