For those of you who dont know X-Fire is an Instant Messenger that lets you join your friends in a game instantly, chat with your friends and other users, and Cross game chat on most games. X-Fire supports over 200 games and they have aggreed to add Jedi Knight Dark Forces 2. It has been said that JK will be off the zone in March (This might not be true but most people are 90% sure of this) Causing gamers to use IP games only. After a couple weeks of asking and supporting X-Fire is now starting to use JK. JK is not available yet because they need to get a few copies of this game and add it to their program etc. But it should be available before 2005 . I and everyone else supporting this game are urging you to speak up to others about this and support this by anyway possible. To all JK Clans: Please support this game and notify your members about this. Also please add X-Fire to your site. All the support you can give to X-Fire will be appreachiated and can cause X-Fire to expand and add more games that you want. Thank You.
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For more Information on JK DF 2 on X-Fire Click this Link:
For more Information on X-Fire Click this link:
For more Information on JK DF 2 on X-Fire Click this Link: