Sometimes people make sense..and sometimes they don't:

</random post>
******: well
******: i off to bed
******: worn out again
cdtlee2000: me too..
cdtlee2000: I keep telling myself to go to bed earlier
******: lol
cdtlee2000: but I'm always up past 1
cdtlee2000: ah well
******: not on friday
cdtlee2000: ttyl =)
******: but i have a prob
cdtlee2000: ?
******: anywhow night
cdtlee2000: what's the problem?
******: nothing
******: don't wanna talk about it
cdtlee2000: okay
cdtlee2000: if u want to vent or anything, I'll listen =) talk to u later
******: i'm ok
******: latez
cdtlee2000: k
cdtlee2000: 'night
******: i off to bed
******: worn out again
cdtlee2000: me too..
cdtlee2000: I keep telling myself to go to bed earlier
******: lol
cdtlee2000: but I'm always up past 1
cdtlee2000: ah well
******: not on friday
cdtlee2000: ttyl =)
******: but i have a prob
cdtlee2000: ?
******: anywhow night
cdtlee2000: what's the problem?
******: nothing
******: don't wanna talk about it
cdtlee2000: okay
cdtlee2000: if u want to vent or anything, I'll listen =) talk to u later
******: i'm ok
******: latez
cdtlee2000: k
cdtlee2000: 'night

</random post>