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ForumsDiscussion Forum → What's wrong with the zone?
What's wrong with the zone?
2004-12-05, 2:32 PM #1
List every possible reason why you don't like the zone. I need the info.
"Jayne, this is something the Captain has to do for himself"

"N-No it's not!"

2004-12-05, 2:33 PM #2
Its users.
the idiot is the person who follows the idiot and your not following me your insulting me your following the path of a idiot so that makes you the idiot - LC Tusken
2004-12-05, 2:37 PM #3
2004-12-05, 2:37 PM #4
Catloaf, meet mouseloaf.
My music
2004-12-05, 2:52 PM #5
Life is beautiful.
2004-12-05, 3:20 PM #6
2004-12-05, 3:22 PM #7
In-game browsers made it unnecessary
Pissed Off?
2004-12-05, 3:22 PM #8
It was good way back when the background colour of the jkdarkforces2 page was black. It went downhill from there.
2004-12-05, 4:19 PM #9
Originally posted by DogSRoOL
tofu sucks
2004-12-05, 4:53 PM #10
A most wretched hive of scum and villany.
2004-12-05, 5:04 PM #11
Its a Microsoft product. 'Nuff said.
And when the moment is right, I'm gonna fly a kite.
2004-12-05, 5:11 PM #12
From the perspective of someone who used to take their JK playing somewhat seriously...I was very turned off by the elitist mentality amongst many of the so-called "elites" (many of which were actually "hackers"). There were many exceptions, and many skilled players that didn't revert to cheating, but the ones that did spoiled the fun for the rest of us.

I remember when I was actually doing quite well on the old Cases Ladder (beat 1-2 people in the top 20), when I went up against a guy that will remain nameless, that was cheating and reported a win. I told him that I knew he was cheating, but that he and I both knew that there was really nothing that I could do about it (realistically).

Another thing that irritated me about JK players in general, was the amount of people that called me a hacker. I was never considered better than an intermediate skilled player in any category (by old-school standards), yet I was accused of being a "hacker" hundreds upon hundreds of times in that game (literally).

I could go on and on all day about the ups and downs of the Zone, and even JK, but I'll spare you. Anyways...

Cheaters pretending to be "elite", cheaters that "hacked" NH games, the crappy software itself, the look of things, zone messenger, and 75% of the people that played there. JK was on its way to hell in a handbasket after people left Kali and jediBoard, IMO.

Gah...I still get pissed off thinking about the Zone, even after all this time...
2004-12-05, 6:18 PM #13
-Too many idiots taking a game WAAAAAAY to seriously. A guy was even trying to "convert" anyone with Jedi in their name. If you said no or get lost or whatever, he would go on this whole "I'll kill you and you'll understand my power!" In which he would activate his cogs. worse yet, the majority of zone players were like that...

-Lazy admins/mods. You could report someone was doing something wrong and they usually did nothing.

-Laggy to all hell...maybe if they coded it to disable the chat program when you were playing it wouldn't of been as laggy?

-Too easy to get a new membership

-Too difficult to get even a single membership and pointless when they made you get an MSN passport in order to sign-up. When that happened the software got fussier and even more incompatible than before.

-Most of the people I've seen who really used Zone religiously turned into stupid teeny boppers with not even half a mind left. Including a few people I's tragic, but they couldn't resist.
"We came, we saw, we conquered, we...woke up!"
2004-12-05, 6:27 PM #14
they took away support for MechWarrior 3...
/me makes rude guestures
Holy soap opera Batman. - FGR
Free Jin!
2004-12-05, 6:34 PM #15
Does the zone even still support JK2? How many players are there on average?
2004-12-05, 6:39 PM #16
it's... the zone... that says it all
eat right, exercise, die anyway
2004-12-05, 6:54 PM #17
-The elitist *******s
-The 'l33t hax0rs'
-The fact that there are virtually no admins/mods, and when they do show up, they're usually worse than the people causing trouble
-The people flooding the chat with various obscenities and racial slurs
-The people in clans who take it way too seriously
-The people who look at holding the first game slot as a sign of social status
-The people who have obviously forgotten that there is a life outside of video games
-The morons pretending to be well-known editors, but are really, really bad at it
-Did I mention the hackers?
-The whole MSN Passport system

That enough for you?
2004-12-06, 10:23 AM #18
The only good thing about the game was that they had RPG games. They were muchos fun.

Everyone else? Well, now that's a different thing.
Hey, Blue? I'm loving the things you do. From the very first time, the fight you fight for will always be mine.
2004-12-06, 3:08 PM #19
-Lag time on most of the games
-Lag in chat
-Spam chat
-They're killing games off (like MotS and JK mostly)
-Their unstable servers (some that crash every week)
-People who think they're "all that" in game
-people abusing the system
*cough cough* pluses *cough cough*
-bad admins
-useless admins
-having to take the time to sign in
-their stupid updates and maintenance days
(i miss the old school zone)
-people who think their shouldnt be noobies (otherwhise, the game would die in no time)
-trash talkers
-people who take the game too seriously
-hackers that hack people who win the game (happened to me b4)
-the race for #1 slot
-lag time
-people who harrass others
-Killing Games
Killed Games:
=X-Wing Vrs TIE
=X-Wing Alliance
Critically Injured:
=JK: DF2
-Not adding new games
blah blah blah blah blah
/me gets nuclear weapons ready
I can't wait for the day schools get the money they need, and the military has to hold bake sales to afford bombs.
2004-12-06, 5:35 PM #20
The worst problem in the zone today i mean the one who makes everyone wish they never found the zone is

2004-12-06, 5:44 PM #21
I, like many of you, been with the zone since JK.

JK's dying, so is the Zone, nothing can be done, it's a cycle of life. I've been with the zone since I was 9. It's only a matter of time until Nar Shadda dies out on's sad really. That's what I don't like about the Zone. It's dying. I don't care about hackers, laggers, flooders, it's users, or even the fact it's made by Microsoft, but a lot of memories of mine are the only thing left of such a fun game.

R.I.P. Dark Forces 2: Jedi Knight


R.I.P. The MSN Gaming Zone
2004-12-06, 5:56 PM #22
I didn't even know the zone still existed... I haven't been there since the days of Age of Empires.. the first one.
"Nulla tenaci invia est via"

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