Bah. I really didnt like it. The movie had no idea where the hell it was going, or how the hell it was going to get there. The whole thing was a bunch of needlessly complicated seemingly random events happening to a bunch of 2-dimensional characters whose only semblance of interest came from that we knew some of them from the previous movie. By the end I honestly did not care what happened to any of them.
Ocean's 11 oozed cool. It had style. Danny Ocean was so smooth, and all the supporting characters had important roles and most importantly, were interesting. Most of the cast just seemed to be along for the ride this time. Benedict (Andy Garcia) was a consummate villan in the first movie, in 12 he had about as much character as a cardboard cut-out of Paully Shore. And what the hell was up with the weird golf club?
I also hated the way the movie was shot. All the style and slickness was gone. Julia Roberts looked like she wasnt even wearing makeup half the time, while George Clooney stumbled his way through with very little for his character to actually do. In Ocean's 11 Danny Ocean was calm, cool, and always in control, in Ocean's 12 he's a grey-haired stooge with nothing better to do.
All of the charactes had a well-defined role in Ocean's 11. Linus the pick-pocket. Reuben the bankroll. Rusty the right-hand man. Basher the explosives expert. Frank the inside man. The two brothers the drivers. Saul the con-man. Yen the grease man, etc etc etc etc. In 12 they did nothing. Seriously. The 'heists' in the movie sucked and were non-sensical. The heist in Ocean's 11 was really cool, the audience had no idea what was going on but it all came together at the end and made sense. In 12 it seems like neither the audience nor the characters know what is going on, nothing came together (except that chick and her father, boo-freaking-hoo), and nothing made sense!
[here be spoilers]
If they had the Faberge egg from near the start of the move when they were in Paris, then why the farking hell did they go through with the whole 'lets devise an elaborate but lame plan and get arrested trying to steal the fake egg then get that dudes parents to bail us out' thing? They should have just gone to the evil french dude's house right then and said 'here's your stinking egg, give us our money'.
And what the hell was up with those lasers? Like someone said above there is NO way he could have got through if they were entirely random. Not to mention that they seemed to be only sweeping the floor, so why not just zip-line over them. Why wasnt there a pressure sensor underneath the egg? Hell why wasnt it under cover? Apparently a velvet rope is all the physical protection that egg needs.
Why the hell did they just give in to Benedic's demands? They're crooks. Smart crooks. Surely they'd think of some way to get away with it other than 'oh we'd better pay the guy back!'. That would have been such a better movie, too.
Oh, and Tess playing Julia Roberts? That's just lame, and a really weak story telling device. It just did not work.
ARRGH! This movie should have been so good. I wouldve settled for a rehash of the original. Hell it wouldve been nice if the same characters had truely returned from the original.
The Massassi-
There is no spoon.