Try harder, you'll find it's worth it. I doubt you've ever loved someone if you can say that, unless the fear is a lack of.
Anyways, what I fear:
-Heights. (Some heights.. Being on the edge of a cliff thousands of feet high didn't scare me, but looking out of the empire state building, with a rail gaurd and glass window protecting me from walling scared the crap outta me.
-The future .. Too unpredictive. I'm about here and now, not the past or future.
-Multiple legged insects crawly on my fast. I don't mind holding an insect in the palm of my hand if it's just there, but when like a spider or something will start srambling alll over me UGH!
-Eh. .I don't really know. These last two are kinda sketchy, not true fears, just couldn't really think of anything else.