After JA, I abandoned the JK series. There was fun, but the games themselves were disappointments. I wanted a wholesome, developed FPS; JO and JA were mop jobs.
Right now UT2k4 is filling my cravings. The game is visually awesome, and the gamemodes are outstandingly enjoyable. Big maps, vehicles, awesome weapons . . . what more would I need?
Star Wars . . . a nice ingredient . . . .
There is where Republic Commando comes in. The game looks freakin' awesome (especially because the ancient Q3TA engine isn't used). I am psyched.
Check it out:
Multiplayer Game Alias: II88BlackOps
UT2k4 is awesome!
Corrupted Paths, my dead WIP for JA. Screens here:
My quote: "People choose to side with the left, and the others choose to side with the right. I go forward."
Right now UT2k4 is filling my cravings. The game is visually awesome, and the gamemodes are outstandingly enjoyable. Big maps, vehicles, awesome weapons . . . what more would I need?
Star Wars . . . a nice ingredient . . . .
There is where Republic Commando comes in. The game looks freakin' awesome (especially because the ancient Q3TA engine isn't used). I am psyched.
Check it out:
Multiplayer Game Alias: II88BlackOps
UT2k4 is awesome!
Corrupted Paths, my dead WIP for JA. Screens here:
My quote: "People choose to side with the left, and the others choose to side with the right. I go forward."