hehe, tis the morning after the night before and I'm on great form! (I stopped doing hangovers years ago)
I'm packing up what I can be arsed to take home for the Holidays, and my lovely girlfriend's been helping (she was picking up after me and has made a cuppa). It'll be sad to see the back of this house for a month, and I'll miss Izzy (gf) like crazy - I've never had a girlfriend who's not been with me for extended periods of time!
As usual when packing, I've found things that never got unpacked (always happens when you've got 'moving' bags on top yer wardrobe that never see the light of day when you're moved in)... I'm a spaz!
Luckily when I get home I've still got broadband on my other PC, so you'll see my secondary desktop next time the 'post your...' thread comes up, so I can still provide a drunken comedy service to massassi over the Christmas season! Woowoo!
Right, suitcase to pack, stereo to dismantle - I'll keep popping my head in over the next hour or so, but my parents are picking me up about 1 ish, so it might be a bit later when I next say ellooooo!
Laters dudes!