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ForumsDiscussion Forum → LAN Party
LAN Party
2004-12-17, 6:38 PM #1
No. We wont help you with your warez.
(\_/) This is Bunny.
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2004-12-17, 6:39 PM #2
(\_/) This is Bunny.
(O.o) Copy Bunny to your signature
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2004-12-17, 6:43 PM #3
ah it appears they have a tournament and i can't join... well anyone who saw this and tried to help- thanks anyway.. I'll see if i can be on #massassi tonight.
(\_/) This is Bunny.
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2004-12-17, 6:47 PM #4
"If you watch television news, you will know less about the world than if you just drink gin straight out of the bottle."
--Garrison Keillor
2004-12-17, 7:22 PM #5
Drunk on Bawls, maybe?
2004-12-17, 7:24 PM #6
*deep breath*

Pissed Off?
2004-12-17, 8:05 PM #7
Why would someone give you a free coppy of CS? Better watch out, the mods are a bit touchy on this subject.
2004-12-17, 8:22 PM #8
ok sorry.. i was playing a LAN game at school and they were being jerks, not telling me any cd keys. (Most of them owned CS.) They were just being jerks and not telling me a cd key. They ghosted most of the computers and put an image of certain games on it, and i guess we needed cd keys for CS.. so anyways.. that's why I asked. I didn't know that a cd key would provide a game until today, so sorry for wasting time and space here....
(\_/) This is Bunny.
(O.o) Copy Bunny to your signature
(> < ) to help him achieve world domination.
2004-12-17, 8:23 PM #9
Obi: Because several editions of HL2 come with Valve's back catalog, several editions of HL came with like five CD keys, and their nature make them difficult if not impossible to sell over the internet.
2004-12-18, 5:13 AM #10
If it's at school I would imagine it be be HL1 - I have orig CD's and had to get a crack because I lost my cd key :o

I R teh f00L.

But it doesn't mean I'm sending it anywhere ;)
2004-12-18, 5:59 AM #11
Originally posted by Owen
ok sorry.. i was playing a LAN game at school and they were being jerks, not telling me any cd keys. (Most of them owned CS.) They were just being jerks and not telling me a cd key. They ghosted most of the computers and put an image of certain games on it, and i guess we needed cd keys for CS.. so anyways.. that's why I asked. I didn't know that a cd key would provide a game until today, so sorry for wasting time and space here....

No one in their right mind would give you a CD-KEY anyway, it's like you giving someone your car. You can't use it anymore, and they're running wild for free.
2004-12-18, 9:40 PM #12
Buy the ****ing game.

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