Ok this story is from last month but watching the movie and having family home right now reminded me of this, so I thought i'd share. (Possible spoilers in this thread)
Ok so I liked the movie (the remake) and thought it was scary, and I got the unrated directors cut for my bday. Alright so we had all gone out to seaworld and then a few friends came back to my house for dinner etc.
so I'm in the den with my friend tina watching dawn, while the guys are in the living room watching a football game
Anywho so it gets to the scene in the movie where the lady is having her baby and she turns into a zombie and looks all "exorcist - like" and I see everyone showing up at one of the den doors (so obviously I'm confused)
I turn to the guys and go "is the game over?"
My parents come around the corner with a bday Tiramasu (my fav. dessert) meanwhile on the tv this lady is screaming her head off looking crazy scary and biting at the man as she's delievering the baby and my family starts singing "happy birthday to youuu, happy birthday to youuu, happy birthday lauraaaa, happy birthday to youuu"
I burst into histerics. I've never laughed so hard in my life. I was like "that lady on the movie looks all possessed and this part in the movie is so creepy and u all are singing me happy bday! bwahahaha"
That was a good laugh. It was just an odd moment to have had that sung to me haha. anyways I thought it was funny, and yeah that was randomn lol. just thought I'd share.
Ok so I liked the movie (the remake) and thought it was scary, and I got the unrated directors cut for my bday. Alright so we had all gone out to seaworld and then a few friends came back to my house for dinner etc.
so I'm in the den with my friend tina watching dawn, while the guys are in the living room watching a football game
Anywho so it gets to the scene in the movie where the lady is having her baby and she turns into a zombie and looks all "exorcist - like" and I see everyone showing up at one of the den doors (so obviously I'm confused)
I turn to the guys and go "is the game over?"
My parents come around the corner with a bday Tiramasu (my fav. dessert) meanwhile on the tv this lady is screaming her head off looking crazy scary and biting at the man as she's delievering the baby and my family starts singing "happy birthday to youuu, happy birthday to youuu, happy birthday lauraaaa, happy birthday to youuu"
I burst into histerics. I've never laughed so hard in my life. I was like "that lady on the movie looks all possessed and this part in the movie is so creepy and u all are singing me happy bday! bwahahaha"
That was a good laugh. It was just an odd moment to have had that sung to me haha. anyways I thought it was funny, and yeah that was randomn lol. just thought I'd share.