The AI in this game is pretty much why I want to play this game, truely remarkable.
As we mentioned earlier, The Zone is a single large area, and movement within is not limited in any way other than by environmental conditions (i.e. level of radiation the player can currently withstand etc). This "open world" concept is certainly not new, but the game world always "came to life" only when the player was in the immediate vicinity. The critical difference with STALKER is that life within The Zone never stops or slows down, even if the player is in an area many kilometres away.Graphically, The Zone and everything in it is only drawn in the area around the player, i.e. within a certain radius of the player's position. BUT, once outside this radius, an NPC or monster does not just magically disappear into thin air, but rather continue to live and act just as before, although now in a somewhat simplified, purely mathematical world. Here, events happen just as they do around the player: stalkers meet, trade, battle and go on quests, monsters migrate in search of food, sleep, and fight. Any and all events leave their mark on the world. It is perfectly possible to come upon the body of a stalker killed by a rival group, or see the aftermath of a battle between a stalker party and a monster horde. You could find the weapon and equipment dropped by a stalker killed and eaten by a pack of blind dogs.
Of course, given the complexity of such AI, we had our share of problems and general weirdness. During early development and testing of combat intelligence, one stalker went mad and began to consider himself as an enemy, trying to dispose of this "enemy" as quickly as possible. Unfortunately, our good-for-nothing animators did not plan for the possibility of putting your own gun to your temple, so the poor stalker had to instead shoot the only part of the "enemy" body he could reach - his own feet. For a good 10 minutes the entire design team, while rolling around on the floor from laughter, watched as the stalker-wannabie desparately battled with his own limbs. In the end, having used up two full magazines, the NPC died, submitting the diagnostic "Enemy successfully terminated" before terminating.
The AI in this game is pretty much why I want to play this game, truely remarkable.
Got a permanent feather in my cap;
Got a stretch to my stride;
a stroll to my step;
Got a stretch to my stride;
a stroll to my step;