The Nintendo DS is NOT as huge as people make it out to be. It fits in my pocket just fine.
The DS has a built in clock, calendar, chat room, alarm, and message holder.
The DS can play DS games or GBA games.
You can plug any headphones into the DS, it isn’t like the SP where you need special headphones.
The touch pad is awesome. It isn’t a nuisance, it’s easy to use and it makes the game more enjoyable. If you don’t like the touch pad, you don’t need to use it. The games all have settings where you can use the a,b,x, and y keys as a second d-pad.
If you used the touch pad at a game store chances are they didn’t have the little thumb nub for you to use. It’s a little strap that you put on your thumb to make movement in the game smooth. If you don’t have the little thumb nub you really can’t move around at all. Don’t worry if you lose the thumb nub (which you can tie right on the DS) or the screen pen (which connects to the DS, plus you get an extra one) you can always buy more for cheap. The touch pad is not just a useless feature Nintendo put on the DS for sales, it really does make the DS experience a lot better.
The graphics look incredible. From what I saw in screenshots games looked overly pixilated and just bleh. Screenshots are worth crap! Metroid Hunters looks amazing, and not pixilated at all (only when the metroids latched onto my face did I notice pixilization)
Many of you are complaining about lack of games. Don’t worry. There are many games coming out in early 2005. Metroid Hunters (Full game), Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles, Wario Ware, Viewtiful Joe etc…
I can’t really say much on battery life as I just got the DS today, but according to my friend it’s around 8-12 hours.
You can’t view movies or play music on the DS….so what? It’s a handheld gaming system. I don’t know about you but if I’m watching Lord of the Rings, I don’t think I’m going to want to watch it on a handheld.
The game cartridges for the DS are really tiny. I feel like I’m going to snap the damn thing! It’s really awesome that games can fit on cartridges that small…we sure have come a long way.
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Overall the DS is about 50 times better then I thought it would be. The games are fun, the graphics although not as good as the PSP’s amaze me.
Nintendo has been making quality systems and quality games for ages now, and they sure as hell know what they are doing!
The DS has a built in clock, calendar, chat room, alarm, and message holder.
The DS can play DS games or GBA games.
You can plug any headphones into the DS, it isn’t like the SP where you need special headphones.
The touch pad is awesome. It isn’t a nuisance, it’s easy to use and it makes the game more enjoyable. If you don’t like the touch pad, you don’t need to use it. The games all have settings where you can use the a,b,x, and y keys as a second d-pad.
If you used the touch pad at a game store chances are they didn’t have the little thumb nub for you to use. It’s a little strap that you put on your thumb to make movement in the game smooth. If you don’t have the little thumb nub you really can’t move around at all. Don’t worry if you lose the thumb nub (which you can tie right on the DS) or the screen pen (which connects to the DS, plus you get an extra one) you can always buy more for cheap. The touch pad is not just a useless feature Nintendo put on the DS for sales, it really does make the DS experience a lot better.
The graphics look incredible. From what I saw in screenshots games looked overly pixilated and just bleh. Screenshots are worth crap! Metroid Hunters looks amazing, and not pixilated at all (only when the metroids latched onto my face did I notice pixilization)
Many of you are complaining about lack of games. Don’t worry. There are many games coming out in early 2005. Metroid Hunters (Full game), Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles, Wario Ware, Viewtiful Joe etc…
I can’t really say much on battery life as I just got the DS today, but according to my friend it’s around 8-12 hours.
You can’t view movies or play music on the DS….so what? It’s a handheld gaming system. I don’t know about you but if I’m watching Lord of the Rings, I don’t think I’m going to want to watch it on a handheld.
The game cartridges for the DS are really tiny. I feel like I’m going to snap the damn thing! It’s really awesome that games can fit on cartridges that small…we sure have come a long way.
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Overall the DS is about 50 times better then I thought it would be. The games are fun, the graphics although not as good as the PSP’s amaze me.
Nintendo has been making quality systems and quality games for ages now, and they sure as hell know what they are doing!
Think while it's still legal.