Has anyone ever tried to make such a level? I was playing HaVen earlier when suddenly a door closed on my face and a ghost with a cage on his head shredded me to bits...after cleaning my pants out I was thinking about how HaVen reminded me of Asylum in Painkiller...then I was thinking how cool it would be to have a bunch of those caged demons running at you at once as you blast them to bits with your conc rifle.
Anywho, with the thing limit gone in JK now, is it possible to make a level with crap-loads of guys charging you at once, and just spawning at certain points? If so....I need to learn to edit JK >.<
Anywho, with the thing limit gone in JK now, is it possible to make a level with crap-loads of guys charging you at once, and just spawning at certain points? If so....I need to learn to edit JK >.<
Think while it's still legal.