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ForumsDiscussion Forum → possibly innocent lives? nice.
possibly innocent lives? nice.
2005-01-12, 8:51 AM #81
Originally posted by saberopus
Wolfy wins this game IMO.

the idiot is the person who follows the idiot and your not following me your insulting me your following the path of a idiot so that makes you the idiot - LC Tusken
2005-01-12, 3:07 PM #82
Order will be established as bad people are killed.
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2005-01-12, 3:13 PM #83
Originally posted by Wookie06
Order will be established as bad people are killed.

..right, but who exactly are "bad" people?
"The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt. " - Bertrand Russell
The Triumph of Stupidity in Mortals and Others 1931-1935
2005-01-12, 3:29 PM #84
Originally posted by SithNazgul
Lets put things in perspective.

While I do not support in any way shape or form the loss of innocent life, and am not happy when it occurs, in a war, such things are to be expected.

First of all: The pilot is under enormous stress. He is flying a 40 million dollar+ plane, that is extremely complex to operate. Quite often, he is flying in formation with other planes. He must maintain station while trying not to ram the other planes.

His workload is tremendous. He must absorb all the infromation that is being given to him by the myriad of sensor and instruments his plane has to offer. He has quite literally seconds to absorb all this information and act on it.

He is constantly at risk of being killed by either enemy or friendly troops. His life is quite literally in mortal danger from the moment he sets foot in that plane.

His sensors are constantly reporting new planes, which he must determine are enemy or friendly. Several of these, he simply will not be able to determine their status, and must keep an eye out for them.

He must first fly the plane, which in itself is not terribly easy. He has to watch the weather, because it can change almost instantly and create hell for him.

He must be listening to the radio constantly for his callsign, and act on the information given to him, while at the same time listening to all that is going on around him.

And thats all before he gets to the target.

When he reaches the target he has a huge amount of work to do in a very short amount of time.

He must:
a) Ensure he is at the right place
b) Find the target
c) Activate his sensors as requried, and target his weapons.
d) Looking at a small screen about 4 inches square, he must figure out what he is looking at, and make sure that it is the right target. This is difficult enough as it is. If he is under ground fire, it makes a difficult situation worse.
e) Do all the of things I've mentioned above.

And finally, he is human. He will make mistakes. This is war. This is what happens. America is not the first and will certainly not be the last to stuff up.

War is not good.

2005-01-12, 3:47 PM #85
Originally posted by Mikus

2005-01-12, 3:53 PM #86
Originally posted by Wookie06
Order will be established as bad people are killed.

Let's see, where is it...ah yes...

"They make a desert and call it peace"

And ditto to what Horg said.

And sorry to go all the way back to the first page (the second post no less), but really, I hope like hell this was a joke:

Originally posted by Freelancer
Until proven otherwise.

Burden of proof. I almost want to become a police officer solely so I can arrest you for every single crime ever committed in your lifespan and keep you locked up until you can prove beyond doubt (not even reasonable doubt, as following on from this whole "prove that you didn't" school of law, being "reasonable" isn't really an issue) that you didn't commit a single one.
2005-01-12, 4:02 PM #87
Originally posted by Raoul Duke

Raoul Duke's army:

"Waaaah, hitting the target is too hard :("

"There there Billy, don't worry about it, they were only POSSIBLY innocent anyways."
2005-01-12, 4:52 PM #88
Mikus, how much of this thread have you read?
2005-01-12, 4:53 PM #89
All of it, but that was the last post that was actually on topic. *****. KTHX
2005-01-12, 5:03 PM #90
Well, you may want to read it again before you go off and start throwing around insults.
2005-01-12, 5:11 PM #91
What insults?
2005-01-12, 6:52 PM #92
Originally posted by CookedHaggis
Let's see, where is it...ah yes...

"They make a desert and call it peace"

And ditto to what Horg said.

And sorry to go all the way back to the first page (the second post no less), but really, I hope like hell this was a joke:

Burden of proof. I almost want to become a police officer solely so I can arrest you for every single crime ever committed in your lifespan and keep you locked up until you can prove beyond doubt (not even reasonable doubt, as following on from this whole "prove that you didn't" school of law, being "reasonable" isn't really an issue) that you didn't commit a single one.

You wouldn't be such a gung-ho humanitarian if you were a marine stationed in Iraq. :rolleyes:
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2005-01-12, 8:24 PM #93
And you wouldn't be so flippant about justice if you were rotting in an Iraqi jail (or any jail for that matter) simply because you'd been in the wrong place at the wrong time.


Yes, I can use that smiley too.
2005-01-13, 2:17 PM #94
You wouldn't be such a gung-ho humanitarian if you were a marine stationed in Iraq.

And perhaps that's the problem?
"The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt. " - Bertrand Russell
The Triumph of Stupidity in Mortals and Others 1931-1935
2005-01-13, 4:50 PM #95
Originally posted by Mort-Hog
..right, but who exactly are "bad" people?

Insurgents and terrorists that kill innocent people with car bombs or savagely cut their heads off with dull, rusty knives. Basically, the people that agree with your view that arabs should not have democratic governments that empower people instead of tyranical dictators.
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2005-01-13, 5:54 PM #96
You know, the whole idea that the world can be neatly divided up into "good" people and "bad" people who represent diametrical ideals is pretty damn naive.
2005-01-13, 6:44 PM #97
Originally posted by Mikus
Raoul Duke's army:

"Waaaah, hitting the target is too hard :("

"There there Billy, don't worry about it, they were only POSSIBLY innocent anyways."

What exactly are you talking about? Try to make sense.
2005-01-13, 8:26 PM #98
I agree with Mort and Freelancer, except I'm completely confident that Iraq could and should have a democratic government. I'm just equally confident that the US can not and will not give Iraq a democratic government.

Duke: Made sense to me.
2005-01-13, 8:26 PM #99
Originally posted by CookedHaggis
You know, the whole idea that the world can be neatly divided up into "good" people and "bad" people who represent diametrical ideals is pretty damn naive.

It's a good thing that I didn't suggest it could be then!
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2005-01-13, 8:27 PM #100
Originally posted by Raoul Duke
What exactly are you talking about? Try to make sense.

Ok then champ, what were you rolling your eyes about?
2005-01-13, 8:28 PM #101
Originally posted by Ictus
I agree with Mort and Freelancer, except I'm completely confident that Iraq could and should have a democratic government. I'm just equally confident that the US can not and will not give Iraq a democratic government.

They'll give it to themselves just like the Afghanis did. After we remove the obstacles. Numerous countries have democracies as a result of or partially of US action so I'm not sure what the foundation of your comment is.
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2005-01-13, 8:38 PM #102
Wookie: Something tells me the last thing you heard about Afghanistan was from an administration press release six months to a year ago.
2005-01-13, 8:44 PM #103
Originally posted by Ictus
Wookie: Something tells me the last thing you heard about Afghanistan was from an administration press release six months to a year ago.

Don't read those. They had an election. Over 40% of the turnout were women despite the fact that many faced mutilation by the same type of radical thugs that threaten Iraqis.
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2005-01-13, 9:20 PM #104
Oh, I'm not disputing the success of the GOTV campaign. MTV only wishes it could get 120% of eligible males to register to vote nationwide. Certain districts did even better, reporting nearly twice their male population. Simply amazing. By contrast, less than half of eligible women were registered, even by the best accounts. (1,2)

****ing owned.
2005-01-13, 9:50 PM #105
It's still a huge improvement over no elections and elections where the women couldn't vote. There isn't a switch you can flip to make a country's first free election problem free. It takes a little bit of time, but it will get there.
Pissed Off?
2005-01-14, 7:30 AM #106
I wouldn't go on about 'history'.. Britain and America probably have the worst record for 'nation building'.. All of the dictators in the Middle East are either there directly because of American involvement, or as a result of overthrowing a government with American involvement..

Insurgents and terrorists that kill innocent people with car bombs or savagely cut their heads off with dull, rusty knives.

The 'insurgents', the opposition to the American occupation, they are only a short-term problem. No, the real big problem is what we're beginning to see now - internal violence between factions. The Sunnis see the Shi'ite as the "bad guys", the Shi'ites see the Sunnis as the "bad guys", the Kurds see.. pretty much everyone as the "bad guys". Within those, there are tribes, some of which oppose eachother as well.
They are all at war against the "bad guys".

These factions have been at war for hundreds of years, it isn't about to change any time soon. Saddam Hussein prevented these factions from killing eachother, but now they're quite open to do so.
'Democracy' will probably fuel the violence, as the nature of democracy will be putting these factions in direct competition.

Even if we ignore the escalating violence, elections in Iraq would never be 'free'. Shi'ites will vote for Shi'ites, Sunnis will vote for Sunnis, Kurds will vote for Kurds (or Sunnis).

And the tribal identity is very important too. There's about 170 odd different tribes in Iraq. They will vote for their tribe, or their religious faction. Some tribes are naturally 'superior' to others. There is no 'choice' in the matter. You don't 'choose' what tribe you're in, you don't 'choose' to be a Sunni or a Shi'ite (and you obviously can't 'choose' to be a Kurd). Iraqi society, and society throughout the area, is not based upon 'choice'. You are born into a role and you fulfill that role. That's how it works, not dissimilar from the 'caste' system in India, a hierarchy of social status based on ethnic or tribal group.
The Ba'ath party openly opposed tribalism, but not even they could do much about it (and they didn't really bother much either, there wasn't that much to gain from it). 'Tribal equality' is a preposterous idea to Iraqis.

Elections in Iraq are not going to be about 'choice', they are simply going to be different factions fulfilling their 'duty'. A good Shi'ite will vote for the Shi'ite party. The actual policies of that party are largely irrelevant, as long as they convince the Shi'ites that they are a Shi'ite party. This is already being seen in the January elections, a prominent Shi'ite religious leader expressed his support for a particular party, and the Shi'ite support for that party went through the roof. The elections in Iraq are just going to be a facade.
"The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt. " - Bertrand Russell
The Triumph of Stupidity in Mortals and Others 1931-1935
2005-01-14, 8:27 AM #107
Originally posted by Wookie06
It's a good thing that I didn't suggest it could be then!


Order will be established as bad people are killed.

I'll bet there's an Iraqi 'insurgent' saying exactly the same thing right now.

See Mort's post for a further (and better) take on your whole "bad people" thing.

And Afganistan: it's just smacks of the whole "we'll blow it up, give them elections and it'll be fine" method of liberation that everyone involved (Blair especially) was so explicit in denouncing...
2005-01-14, 9:05 AM #108
I went on to further define the bad people I referred to. Do you disagree with them being classified as bad?
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2005-01-14, 9:08 AM #109
They'd classify you as 'bad', so it's a fairly meaningless classification.
"The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt. " - Bertrand Russell
The Triumph of Stupidity in Mortals and Others 1931-1935
2005-01-14, 9:14 AM #110
Originally posted by Ictus

****ing owned.

Is that really necessary? We're not debating on preschool level.
2005-01-14, 9:20 AM #111
Originally posted by FastGamerr



Still victorious!

O' hallelujah!
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2005-01-14, 9:30 AM #112
Avenger: Elections, in and of themselves, do not lead to democracies. See Wikipedia's lists of single-party and dominant-party states. There is no reason to expect Afghanistan's elections to become less corrupt rather than more.

Morf: Preschoolers don't say ****ing owned. Not in my day, at least. No, I'd say that there is more of a early high school or late junior high level of discourse, with significant nerdy overtones.
2005-01-14, 9:30 AM #113
Originally posted by FastGamerr




Well you guys did invent 'Friendly Fire' what an ironic oxymoron.

Also every war you've been in you seem to crap up, seriously your military should give up! The time for compulsory war mongering has longed past.

Stupid Burgerboy population.

Also FYI the pilot doesn't go through all that crap, he just flies the damn thing. there is unlikely any enemy planes in Iraq, he is in an expensive plane that I doubt Iraqi's could shoot down, and believe it or not modern planes fly them selves to a large degree, basically he messed up big time.
2005-01-14, 9:31 AM #114
Originally posted by Morfildor
Is that really necessary? We're not debating on preschool level.

Necessary or not, the statement is still true. :D
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2005-01-14, 9:32 AM #115
Originally posted by Ictus

No, I'd say that there is more of a early high school or late junior high level of discourse, with significant nerdy overtones.

And how old are you?
2005-01-14, 9:37 AM #116
Originally posted by Freelancer
Necessary or not, the statement is still true. :D
2005-01-14, 9:38 AM #117
Morf: Yes, I know. I'm very ashamed.

2005-01-14, 9:40 AM #118
Originally posted by DMC87

Well you guys did invent 'Friendly Fire' what an ironic oxymoron.

Also every war you've been in you seem to crap up, seriously your military should give up! The time for compulsory war mongering has longed past.

Stupid Burgerboy population.

Also FYI the pilot doesn't go through all that crap, he just flies the damn thing. there is unlikely any enemy planes in Iraq, he is in an expensive plane that I doubt Iraqi's could shoot down, and believe it or not modern planes fly them selves to a large degree, basically he messed up big time.

Wow, such a sad post. Friendly fire is not an oxymoron. If it were, allies who put you in danger instantaneously become your mortal enemies forever. You don't go on a berserk rampage against allied forces because some dumbass private shoots you in the foot with his M-4. Also, I will ignore the fact that irony is implied for oxymorons. "Ironic oxymoron" is ambiguous.

Let's see.. every war America has been in it has "crapped up", as you put it. And what nation are you from, exactly? Britain? Australia? Canada? Regardless, America either directly or indirectly saved your butt numerous times, so I would be careful about throwing those kinds of accusations around if I was you.

War-mongering.. so you're blaming the American population for one man's decision to go to war? Good job. Next thing you know, you'll be tying your own shoes or something. Damn whippersnappers grow up too quickly. Point #2: at the time the decision was made, those involved agreed that the war was in fact necessary to America's security.

I will ignore your childish insult against all Americans. Consider yourself lucky.

Until you define "crap" in your last paragraph, I will have no clue what the hell you're talking about.
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2005-01-14, 10:48 AM #119
Originally posted by Mikus
Raoul Duke's army:

"Waaaah, hitting the target is too hard :("

"There there Billy, don't worry about it, they were only POSSIBLY innocent anyways."


Heh, I concur. Anyway, I really don't like the direction of this converstaion.

There is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay to much to say, I think we need to have THE WAR DEBATE somewhere as a sticky thread, and end it there. It's like a bunch of random battles going nowhere.

I can't let something go:

Numerous countries have democracies as a result of or partially of US action so I'm not sure what the foundation of your comment is.

Examples? Please? Anything? Something?

And as for all of us painting us as the great emacipators, I suggest they read some history books and brush up on the great successes American Involvement has stirred.

...America either directly or indirectly saved your butt numerous times, so I would be careful about throwing those kinds of accusations around if I was you.

And we were only involved in WWII to save our own asses. Since when have we ever went to war to save anyone else? It was an indirect benefit that we 'saved' the allied nations. It's like thanking the gangster who shot the rival gang member who was mugging you. That isn't something to be greatful for decades for. America is not an island unto itself. We need trading partners for our economy. We need some degree of natural resources from other countries (although I belive we shouldn't be so dependent on the whims of OPEC for our oil). And having a rival code as another power in the world never makes us very happy (communism anyone?). So in the end, we did it to save ourselves. Stop saying how damned altruistic we are.

And everything post WWII was botched. EVERYRTHING. Iraq War One did not remove the main problem AND again was not to save anyone, except our own interests.

Let's list our portfolio, shall we:
-Korean War
-Vietnam War
-Numerous installations of dictators, removals of people chosen democracies (from the Shah and Hussein to the bastards in Central America)
-Bay of pigs

Want me to go on? I gladly could! We screw up life for others constantly in war! We do things for ourselves! Stop with trying to make us people who we aren't!

Now, I was a bit harsh. We give aid, and we are caring in times of peace. In war, we are different animals, as the case should be. But we don't go to war for reasons other than our own interestest, a trait that I think is 100% CORRECT. But I hate being painted otherwise, no matter what type of reach-around we give afterwards.
2005-01-14, 12:03 PM #120
Originally posted by Mikus
Ok then champ, what were you rolling your eyes about?

Your unrealistic idea that all pilots should be mistake-free superhumans. Theres mistakes like this in all wars, significantly less now.

So where the hell did the possibly innocent lives part come in? Did I say anything about that? No I didn't.

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