<TheBoss> Bill and Ted's Excellent Gremlin Adventure
--> Thrawn42689 (dushekz@holonet-6E1E581.cruzio.com) has joined #massassi
--- ChanServ gives voice to Thrawn42689
<Bill> oh my
* Thrawn42689 waves a little wave
<Thrawn42689> Hi, Bill.
<TheBoss> Thrawn, good man.
<Bill> my god... i'm new to irc... what's with the red messages....
<Thrawn42689> The Boss! How'sthe wife?
<landfish> lord of the rings: gremlin style
--- Jedi_Legend is now known as JL|research
<Thrawn42689> Oh dear, one of my spaces moved over a few characters. Terribly sorry, old boy.
<Outlaw_torn> Thrawn# = good man?
<TheBoss> Gremlins Reloaded
<S51> No, he's more or less a hoe.
<landfish> yes the matrix:gremlins
<Thrawn42689> Bill, the red messages mean someone is tracking you.
<TheBoss> She's fine Thrawn
<Thrawn42689> Of course, Torn. What might you be insinu-WHY YOU
<TheBoss> so is the mistress, thanks for asking
<Bill> why are you tracking me thrawnnumbers?
<TALLjew> and they are going to kill you
<TheBoss> TALLjew?
<Thrawn42689> To mess with your head, of course.
<Bill> no one kills me
<TALLjew> yes they will
<Bill> that movie was bull****
<TheBoss> as opposed to a short jew
<TALLjew> unless u have this marviouls hotplate
<TALLjew> yes
<TALLjew> i am a tall jew hence the name
<TheBoss> The day after gremlins
<Bill> i bet mikus would love it
<TheBoss> Gremlin of the Opera
<TheBoss> Air Gremlin
<TheBoss> Napoleon Gremlin
<Bill> *head explodes*
<TheBoss> Terminator 2: Gremlin Day
<TheBoss> that one was buck
* Typhon gives landfish a good fonging to Emperor's Throne Room by John Williams for 3:25. Pain. Lots of pain!
<Ishi> Whoa, wait, you the same Bill thats on the forums?
<Bill> the one and only
* landfish pushes Typhon off a cliff
<Typhon> You know, of all the themes that Williams made for Star Wars, the Emperor's is, by the, one of the best.
<TALLjew> i saw 2
<landfish> fong me
<Typhon> Second only to The Imperial March.
<TheBoss> The Gremlins strike back
<landfish> Star Trek: gremlins
<Bill> ishi, why do you ask?
<Outlaw_torn> heh.
<S51> 2 Fast 2 Gremlins.
--- zan|gone is now known as zanardi
<landfish> heh
<TheBoss> The Chronicles of Gremlin
http://forums.massassi.net/vb/showthread.php?s=&threadid=28716 << So not fair. I can't post right now.
<S51> Too fast to live, too young to die.
<landfish> Van Gremlin
<S51> I'm tempted to post and inform her that she's a moron.
<TheBoss> Indepence Gremlin
<TheBoss> Gremlins in Black
<Outlaw_torn> Indiana Jones and the Gremlin of Doom
<S51> Don't be a gremlin while drinking your juice in south-central LA.
<TheBoss> The Life Aquatic with Steve Gremlin
<Bill> i challenge anyone to post truthfully in the positive reinforcement thread right now
<landfish> dude, wheres my gremlin
<TheBoss> That Darn Gremlin
<S51> The Gremlin Effect.
<TheBoss> The Gremlin Prophecies
<TheBoss> Gremlin the Barbarian
* Typhon [BAR1918] JG|acheter to Take Me Out by Franz Ferdinand for 3:57.
<Outlaw_torn> GremlinBusters
<TheBoss> Citizen Gremlin
<TheBoss> The Legend of Bagger Gremlin
<Bill> i dont think we knew what we were getting into with the gremlins thing... it's a monster now which cannot be stopped.
<TheBoss> Gremlins: A New Hope
<Outlaw_torn> The Gremlins Strike Back
<TheBoss> The Phantom Gremlin
<landfish> The phantom gremlin
<landfish> ha
<landfish> got it first
<TheBoss> lol
<-- mscbuck has quit (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by buck)))
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--- Skimpy gives voice to mscbuck
<TheBoss> I think the day is mine
<mscbuck> 3,000 Miles from Gremlin
<landfish> x-gremlin
<mscbuck> Robogremlin
<TheBoss> Romeo and Gremlin
--- Flirbnic is now known as Ste5e
<TheBoss> The Gremlinator
<Outlaw_torn> Return of the Gremlins
<Bill> this has been going on for the past 15 minutes.
<mscbuck> The Gremlin Element
<Outlaw_torn> heh.
<mscbuck> Without a Gremlin
<TheBoss> Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate gremlins
<mscbuck> Not Another Gremlin Movie
<Outlaw_torn> Gremlins of the Carribean
<mscbuck> Ten Things I Hate About Gremlins
<TheBoss> Ocean's Gremlins
<landfish> LotR: fellowship of the gremlin
<mscbuck> Coach Gremlin
<TheBoss> The Wrath of Gremlin
<mscbuck> Friday Night Gremlins
http://forums.massassi.net/vb/showthread.php?s=&postid=385255#post385255 <= I took the truthfulness challenge.
<landfish> pulp gremlin
<S51> And I wasn't insulting or profane at all.
<mscbuck> Reservoir Gremlins
<TheBoss> Matchstick gremlins
--> Genki (Genki_ener@holonet-24A4DBDD.mm-interactive.com) has joined #massassi
--- ChanServ gives voice to Genki
<landfish> genkgenkgenkgenkgenk!
<TheBoss> House of Sand and Gremlins
<Genki> fishfishfishfish
<Outlaw_torn> The Gremlin Monty
<S51> Saving Private Gremlin.
<TheBoss> Finding Gremlin
<mscbuck> The Thin White Gremlin
<landfish> private gremlin
<S51> Shaving Gremlin's Privates.
<Outlaw_torn> rofl
<mscbuck> Black Gremlin Down
<S51> Little Oral Gremlin.
<TheBoss> Lost in Gremlin
<Genki> Gremlinshack?
<TheBoss> Lonney Tunes: Back in Gremlin
<Outlaw_torn> The Gremlin of Oz
<TheBoss> A Gremlin Story
<TheBoss> Surviving Gremlin
<mscbuck> Harry Potter and the Chamber of gremlins
<mscbuck> Jurassic Park: The Lost Gremlins
<Genki> Never been Gremlined
--> Detty (aingram64@holonet-29BB2534.brhm.cable.ntl.com) has joined #massassi
--- ChanServ sets mode +a #massassi Detty
--- ChanServ gives channel operator status to Detty
--- Skimpy gives voice to Detty
<mscbuck> Gremlin Gump
<landfish> theres something about gremlins
<TheBoss> Kill Gremlin
<Bill> my head hurts... for real
<TheBoss> Vol 1.
<Outlaw_torn> Ten things I hate about Gremlins
<mscbuck> Terminator 3: Rise of the Gremlins
<mscbuck> Alrady got that one torn
<Genki> Kill Gremlin Vol 2.
<TheBoss> Jackie Gremlin
<Outlaw_torn> Dang it.
--- JG|acheter is now known as JediGandalf
<mscbuck> The Passion of the Gremlin
<Outlaw_torn> StripGremlin
<Genki> School of Gremlin
<TheBoss> Austin Powers, The gremlin who Shagged me
<mscbuck> lol
<landfish> rofl
<Outlaw_torn> lol
<landfish> super gremlins
<TheBoss> Dr. Strangelove, How I learned to stopped worrying and the love the gremlin
<mscbuck> Gremlin in Love
<mscbuck> There's Something About Gremlins
<Outlaw_torn> G2-Gremlins United
<TheBoss> 2001: A Space gremlin
<Bill> so how long do you guys think this peace in massassi will last?
<TheBoss> nevergremlin
<mscbuck> Catch Gremlin If You Can
* Blood_Asp dances
<TheBoss> lol
<Thrawn42689> What peace?
<Blood_Asp> Fight Gremlins
<Outlaw_torn> The Neverending Gremlin
<TheBoss> Close Encounters of the Gremlin Kind
<Blood_Asp> Gremlins 11
<mscbuck> As Good As Gremlins Get
<TheBoss> Gremlins vs Jason
<mscbuck> My best Gremlins wedding
<Bill> thrawn#, there has been a call for peace by brian... those that do not heed will suffer the direst of consequences.
<Genki> Canadian Gremlin
<landfish> freddy vs. gremlins
<TheBoss> Four funerals and a Gremlin
<mscbuck> Lethal Gremlin 4
<mscbuck> Charlies Angels: Full Gremlin
<TheBoss> Naked Gremlim 33 1/3
<mscbuck> AG: Artificial Gremlin
<Outlaw_torn> I, Gremlin
<TheBoss> The Gremling
<mscbuck> The Silence of the Gremlins
<The_Mega_ZZTer> haha look at garrysmod
<landfish> silence of the gremlins
<The_Mega_ZZTer> it's beating HL2DM
<Genki> Bill and Ted's Execellent Gremlin
<mscbuck> Dead Gremlins Society
<zanardi> Good Gremlins
<landfish> that one was done genk
<Genki> damnit
<mscbuck> You've Got Gremlins!
<TheBoss> The Gremlin Sisterhood
--> Smokeh (mat@8A9BD11.E5EF7F7A.26CE892B.IP) has joined #massassi
--- ChanServ gives voice to Smokeh
<S51> Bill and Ted's Bogus Gremlin.
<Bill> we need a forum member named ted
<Genki> Escape From the Planet of the Gremlins
<mscbuck> American Gremlin 2
<Blood_Asp> Gremlin on Fire
<mscbuck> Batman and Gremlin
<TheBoss> Daregremlin
<Outlaw_torn> Gremlin Forever
<Blood_Asp> Gremlin Space
<TheBoss> Saturday Night Gremlin
<Blood_Asp> The Gremlin's Bride
<Genki> Escape from Los Gremlin
<TheBoss> SpaceGremlins
<zanardi> Gremlins of New York
<mscbuck> Gone in Sixty Gremlins
<Outlaw_torn> Father of the Gremlin
<Blood_Asp> The GREMLIN After Tomorrow
<S51> A Funny Thing Happened on the Way To the Gremlin.
<TheBoss> There's something about Gremlin
<mscbuck> A gremlin Called Wanda
<Blood_Asp> Get Gremlin
<Genki> Gremlin Girl
<mscbuck> The Gremlin in the Iron Mask
<TheBoss> The three gremleteers
<Blood_Asp> Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Gremlins
<landfish> spacegremlins
<TheBoss> lol
<mscbuck> Lara Croft: Tomb Gremlin
<landfish> uncle gremlin
<Blood_Asp> What About Gremlin?
<Outlaw_torn> The Gremlin Outdoors
<mscbuck> Interview with a Gremlin
<TheBoss> How to lose a gremlin in 10 days
<-- TALLjew has quit ()
<-- Typhon has quit (Putting the "romance" back into "necromancer.")
<Blood_Asp> Half Gremlined
<mscbuck> Gremlins of New York
<Outlaw_torn> 50 first Gremlis
<Outlaw_torn> *Gremlins
<TheBoss> The Texas Gremlin Massacre
<Genki> Mystery Gremlin
<zanardi> haha mscbuck i just did that one
<mscbuck> The Leauge of Extraordinary Gremlins
<Genki> Shaun of the Gremlin
<landfish> half-gremlined
<Blood_Asp> Full Gremlin Jacket
<TheBoss> Gremlinfinger
<landfish> NO
<landfish> h8
<Blood_Asp> I DID
<Blood_Asp> you tard
<Bill> does anyone want to take bets on when this will end?
<TheBoss> Apocalypse gremlin
<Genki> Dr. Gremlin
<Outlaw_torn> American Gremlin in London
<mscbuck> Home Alone 2: Lost in Gremlins
<landfish> gremlin runner
<landfish> 12 gremlins
<mscbuck> Ace Ventura: When Gremlins Call
<TheBoss> Star trek VI: The UNdiscovered Gremlin
<Genki> Around the Gremlin in 80 Days
<mscbuck> Gremlin 9/11
<Outlaw_torn> Gremlin 2 Gremlin
<Blood_Asp> Gremlinshack
<Outlaw_torn> Bowling for Gremlins
<landfish> genk said that asp
<Blood_Asp> Need 4 Gremlin
<Blood_Asp> LIES
<mscbuck> Happy Gremlore
<Blood_Asp> I KEEL HIM
<TheBoss> White Lady White Gremlin
<Genki> Gremlin of the Month
<Genki> kekeke
<Bill> haha buck
<TheBoss> Rosemary's Gremlin
<mscbuck> The Blair Gremlin Project
<Blood_Asp> Gremlin Magnolias
<Outlaw_torn> Bill Gremlin
<landfish> billy gremlinson
<Blood_Asp> Gremlin of Sam
<Genki> Gremlin Periscope
<Outlaw_torn> Donnie Gremlin
<Blood_Asp> The Hunt for Gremlin October
<landfish> LOTR: the two gremlins
<TheBoss> South Gremlin
<Blood_Asp> Dodgegremlin
<Outlaw_torn> Das Gremlin
<Bill> godgremlin
<Blood_Asp> Gremlin and Hutch
<TheBoss> Gremlin: The legend of Ron Burgundy
<Outlaw_torn> Gremlin at the Gates.
<Genki> Die Hard (With a Gremlin)
<Blood_Asp> hahaha
<Outlaw_torn> Rembember the Gremlins
<mscbuck> Speed 2: Gremlin Control
<TheBoss> lol
--> Backslash (Backslash@holonet-25D7A921.eastlink.ca) has joined #massassi
--- ChanServ gives voice to Backslash
<TheBoss> Children of the Gremlin
<mscbuck> The Gremlin Mermaid
<Blood_Asp> Bio-Gremlin
<TheBoss> The Gremlin King
<mscbuck> My Big Fat Greek Gremlin
<TheBoss> The Gremlin of Notre Dame
<landfish> gremlin horizon
<Genki> Gremlin-Hur
<Blood_Asp> lawl
<Bill> gremlins:first blood
<Genki> In the Gremlin Now
<mscbuck> Lilo + Gremlin
<TheBoss> The Gremlin Commandments
<Blood_Asp> Gremlin Duty
<Detty> Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Gremlin
<mscbuck> Gremlin Air
<Bill> the gremlin next door
<Outlaw_torn> Clash of the Gremlins
<Genki> A Series of Unforutionate Gremlins
<mscbuck> Erin Gremlovich
<Bill> the anigremlix
<TheBoss> Back to the Gremlin
<Genki> Gremlins: Reloaded
<Blood_Asp> My Best Friend's Gremlin
<mscbuck> The Mask of Gremlin
<mscbuck> Star Trek: First Gremliin
<TheBoss> The rugrats movie: with gremlins
<Genki> They call me Gremlin
<Outlaw_torn> Star Trek: The Wrath of Gremlin
<TheBoss> Gremlin and the Fatman
<Bill> star trek:the wrath of gizmo
<Blood_Asp> Gremlin and Hooch
<Bill> damnit!
<mscbuck> Somethings Gremlin Give
<Detty> Gremlins of the Carribean
<Outlaw_torn> Done that
<Genki> The Last of the Gremlins
<mscbuck> Doctor Gremlittle
<Detty> awww
<Bill> the karate gremlin
<Blood_Asp> Gremlin's End
<Detty> The Gremlin Effect?
<TheBoss> Gremlin Rising
<Blood_Asp> Much Ado About Gremlin
<Outlaw_torn> Gremlin Hunter: collision Course
<TheBoss> Gremlet
<Bill> lol
<mscbuck> The Gremlin's Advocate
<Genki> Mister Gremlin Goes to Washinton
<Outlaw_torn> Mrs. Gremlinfire
<landfish> i think almost any movie that can be thought of has been said
<TheBoss> Assault on Gremlin 13
<Blood_Asp> Fried Green Gremlins
<Bill> i can resort to going to imdb
<TheBoss> The Nightmare before gremlins
<mscbuck> Starship Gremlins
<TheBoss> Charlie the gremlin Factory
<Detty> Legally Gremlin
<Genki> i'm just looking at my wall of movies
<TheBoss> lol
<mscbuck> Rambo: First Gremlin Part II
<Blood_Asp> genki is a tard
<TheBoss> Almost gremlin
<Genki> asp is fat
<mscbuck> The Gremlin patient
<TheBoss> Desperate gremlins
<Genki> Sixth Gremlin
<Outlaw_torn> Gremlin Geniuses.
<mscbuck> Look Who's a Gremlin II
<Blood_Asp> We Were Gremlins
<Outlaw_torn> Band of Gremlins
<Blood_Asp> Three Men and a Gremlin
<TheBoss> Pewee Herman's Big Gremlin
<Detty> The English Gremlin Who Went Up A Hill And Came Down A Mountain
<Blood_Asp> Stone Gremlin
<TheBoss> Gremlin Vs Gremlin
<mscbuck> Gremlin 13
<TheBoss> Gremlins
<Bill> haha
<Outlaw_torn> 13 Gremlins
<Bill> wtf
<mscbuck> Gremlablanca
<Genki> THe Adventures of Baron Gremlin
<Blood_Asp> wow we've gone overboard on this
<TheBoss> To Kill a gremlin
<landfish> the man in the iron gremlin
<mscbuck> 101 Gremlations
<Outlaw_torn> GOne with the Gremlins
<Detty> Gremlineye
<Detty> Gone in 60 Gremlins
<TheBoss> Fear and Gremlins in Las vegas
<Genki> Gremlins are Forever
<mscbuck> Planet of the Gremlins
<Blood_Asp> Gremlinfinger
<Outlaw_torn> My Gremlin
--> Sine_Nomen (sikarenite@1F49BE6E.8DFF48CA.2E15F4ED.IP) has joined #massassi
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--- Skimpy gives voice to Sine_Nomen
<mscbuck> For Her Gremlin's Secret Service
<Detty> My Gremlin 2
<Genki> I'll be home for Gremlin
<Outlaw_torn> Gremlins Never Dies
<TheBoss> Back in Gremlin
--> mb (mbeggar@holonet-214EB3FA.rh.rit.edu) has joined #massassi
--- ChanServ sets mode +a #massassi mb
--- ChanServ gives channel operator status to mb
--- Skimpy gives voice to mb
http://english.aljazeera.net/HomePage <-- I love al jazeera
<Genki> Christmas with the Gremlins
<Detty> The World is not a Gremlin
<Bill> stop the insanity
<Outlaw_torn> Gremlineye
<TheBoss> Dr. gremlin and the women
<Genki> No
<Sine_Nomen> Maybe there isn't a word for editorial in Arabic
<TheBoss> The Living Gremlins
<mscbuck> What Gremlins Want
<Detty> The Land Before Gremlins
<TheBoss> Al Jazemlin
<Outlaw_torn> Save the Last Gremlin
<Genki> The IncrediGremlins
<TheBoss> Finding Gremlester
<Blood_Asp> There's Something About Gremlin?
<mscbuck> done
<Outlaw_torn> Done
<Blood_Asp> bastards.
<mscbuck> Gone With The Gremlin
<TheBoss> The Man who would be Gremin
* Genki points and laughs
<Outlaw_torn> Gremlin 2000
<Bill> opinion?
<Detty> Gremsky and Grutch
<TheBoss> The gremlin Brothers
<landfish> the sound of gremlin
<TheBoss> The Gremlin who stole Christmas
<mscbuck> Dodgeball: The True Gremlin Story
<TheBoss> The Gremlin and I
<TheBoss> Gremlin on the Roof
<Outlaw_torn> The Gremlin before Christmas
<-- Genki has quit ()
<Detty> Ghost Gremlin
<JediGandalf> I can't stand to look at that page.
<mscbuck> Gremlin Almighty
<Outlaw_torn> The Gremlin Show
<TheBoss> Renaissane Gremlin
<Detty> Gremlin and Gremlin's Bogus Journey
<mscbuck> Robin Hood: Prince of Gremlins
<JediGandalf> Ok what is it with the gremlins??
<TheBoss> Sky gremlin and the world of tommorrow
<mscbuck> done Detty
<Outlaw_torn> Robin hood: Gremlins in tights:P
--> Chaz_Ghostle (chaz_ghost@holonet-2D326C6.white-plains-06rh15rt.ny.dial-access.att.net) has joined #massassi
--- ChanServ gives voice to Chaz_Ghostle
<mscbuck> Schindler's Gremlin
<TheBoss> Gremlins in paris
<Outlaw_torn> Dracula: Dead and Loving Gremlin
--> mb`fixing`stuff (mbeggar@holonet-214EB3FA.rh.rit.edu) has joined #massassi
--- ChanServ gives voice to mb`fixing`stuff
<landfish> the man with the golden gremlin
<Detty> The Gremlin Redemption
<mb`fixing`stuff> oops
<-- mb`fixing`stuff has quit (mb`fixing`stuff)
<TheBoss> A Beautiful gremlin
<-- Thrawn42689 has quit (Connection reset by peer)
<mscbuck> Dances With Gremlins
<TheBoss> American gremlin
<Detty> A Gremlin To Remember
<Outlaw_torn> Last of the Gremlins
<zanardi> oh my god
<Bill> will this be over by tomorrow?
--> Thrawn42689 (dushekz@holonet-6E1E581.cruzio.com) has joined #massassi
--- ChanServ gives voice to Thrawn42689
<Detty> An American Gremlin in Paris
<mscbuck> Gremzilla!
<zanardi> this has been going on for like 3 hours
<Outlaw_torn> Lucky, detty.
<Thrawn42689> How much longer is this going to go on?
<TheBoss> Gremzille vs Mothra
<Thrawn42689> Yeah.
<Outlaw_torn> I got London:P
<TheBoss> Gremzilla vs Rodan
<Outlaw_torn> Destroy all Gremlins!
<Dj-Yoshi> The Last Action Gremlin
<Bill> i am almost sorry for starting this
<TheBoss> The Neverending gremlin
<zanardi> The Cronicles of Gremlin
<mscbuck> Gremlin Harbor
<zanardi> ?
<mscbuck> Gremlinator
<Outlaw_torn> Done, the boss
<Detty> who's gonna write all these down?
<TheBoss> damn
<Dj-Yoshi> I-Gremlin
<Outlaw_torn> done, buck.
<Outlaw_torn> I have them logged.
<mscbuck> no, I was spoofing Gladiator
<Detty> AG: Artificial Gremlins
<mscbuck> he was spoofing Terminator
<TheBoss> Gremlin of Disguise
<mscbuck> Done De3tty
<Outlaw_torn> Done, detty
<Detty> well poop
<mscbuck> *Detty, by me
<zanardi> you guys keep repeating them
<Bill> gr3mlins
<Dj-Yoshi> 2001: A Gremlin Odyssey
<TheBoss> Spy Gremlins 3-D
<Dj-Yoshi> Gremlin Streak
<Detty> The Gremlin King
<TheBoss> Gremlin KNioght
<Dj-Yoshi> Flight of the Gremlin
<Outlaw_torn> Gremlin/Off
<Chaz_Ghostle> these should be quoted
<Detty> JFG
<TheBoss> The Gremfather PArt II
<Outlaw_torn> Gremling Kong.
<Dj-Yoshi> Broken Gremlin
<TheBoss> Driving Mrs Gremlin
<mscbuck> One Flew Over the Gremlin's Nest
<Dj-Yoshi> Steel Gremlins
<Detty> Gremlin Trip?
<Blood_Asp> Pushing Gremlin
<Chaz_Ghostle> Gremlin in the Bronx
<TheBoss> The Gremlin's Tuxedo
<Dj-Yoshi> Mean Gremlins!
<Blood_Asp> Teenage Mutant Ninja Gremlins
<mscbuck> Being John Gremlovich
<Dj-Yoshi> Gremlin State
<TheBoss> The Princess Gremlins
<Detty> Gremlin and the King
<TheBoss> Chasing gremlins
<Blood_Asp> The Usual Gremlins
<Dj-Yoshi> The Princess Gremlin
<mscbuck> Gremlinhog Day
<Detty> Grogma
<Chaz_Ghostle> The Holy Gremlin
<Dj-Yoshi> The Italian Gremlin
<Outlaw_torn> Ace Ventura:Gremlin Detective
<TheBoss> Goodgremlins
<Outlaw_torn> Monty Python and the Holy Gremlin
<Blood_Asp> Universal Gremlin
<Outlaw_torn> Monty Python and the Life of Gremlin
<Bill> that is the most insane instaposting i have ever seen
<TheBoss> Monthy Python and the Meaning of Gremlin
<Chaz_Ghostle> 8 Crazy Gremlins
<Outlaw_torn> Someone should just post a log.
<-- schnarf has quit (Ping timeout)
<TheBoss> Gremlin Madison
<Detty> Notting Gremlin
<Detty> Love Gremlin
<TheBoss> Pretty Gremlin
<Detty> 4 Weddings and a Gremlin
<Outlaw_torn> Runaway Gremlin
<TheBoss> The Birth of a Gremlin
<Dj-Yoshi> Gremlinging in Las Gremlin
<Chaz_Ghostle> Gremlinator
<Dj-Yoshi> Fear and Gremlining in Las Vegas*
<TheBoss> Edward Gremlin-hands
<Dj-Yoshi> Requiem for a Gremlin
<TheBoss> King gremlin IV
<mscbuck> Who's Afraid of Virgian Gremlin?
<Dj-Yoshi> Gremlins of the Caribbean
<Outlaw_torn> Done, yoshi
<TheBoss> Gremlaphoiba
<mscbuck> All Gremlins on the Western Front
<TheBoss> *phobia
<TheBoss> The Bridge on the River Gremlin
<mscbuck> yoshi, you came in too late.We've done probably over 500 of these
<Outlaw_torn> Gremlins East!
<Outlaw_torn> at least.
<Detty> we done Saving Private Gremlin?
<mscbuck> The Gremlins of Wrath!
<mscbuck> yup
<Blood_Asp> Sleepy Gremlin
<cow> hay asp
<Outlaw_torn> The Gremlin family
<cow> gess wit
<Blood_Asp> HAI COW
<Dj-Yoshi> Citizen Gremlin
<cow> wut*
<Blood_Asp> ur mamz lawl
<Detty> The Gremlin Family 2: Gremily Values
<cow> lawl ya
<Chaz_Ghostle> National Lampoon's Gremlin Vacation
<mscbuck> Gremlin and the Sundance Kid
<TheBoss> The Gremlin Connection
<cow> dat is funny innit
<Dj-Yoshi> Gone with teh Gremlin
<mscbuck> Blade Gremlin
<Thrawn42689> The Gremlins are Coming, the Gremlins are Coming!
<Detty> The Gremlin Identity?
<TheBoss> Red Gremlin Rising
<Detty> The Gremlin Supremacy?
<Detty> House of the Flying Gremlins
<mscbuck> Mr. Gremlin Goes To Washington
<Detty> Crouching Tiger Hidden Gremlin
<Thrawn42689> Saturday Night Gremlin
<Dj-Yoshi> The Lost Gremlins
<Outlaw_torn> Gremlins Reloaded
<TheBoss> Staying Gremlin
--- mscbuck has changed the topic to: Massassi:
http://massassi.net/chat/rules.shtml | SWRC official site:
http://www.lucasarts.com/games/swrepubliccommando/hud.html |
http://www.bontago.com/ Get this game or be smitten | Gremlins!!!!!
<Chaz_Ghostle> An American Gremlin in Paris
<Dj-Yoshi> done, chaz
<Chaz_Ghostle> bah
<mscbuck> The Glemlurian Canidate
<Dj-Yoshi> Gremlins! Gremlins!
<mscbuck> *Gremlurian
<Thrawn42689> 50 First Gremlins
<TheBoss> Gremlins 2: the Next Batch
<mscbuck> done Thrawn
<Thrawn42689> Quiet you
<Outlaw_torn> Gremlins Return
<mscbuck> The Maltese Gremlin
<Chaz_Ghostle> Finding Gremlin
<TheBoss> The Silence of the Gremlins
<mscbuck> done JEff
<Thrawn42689> I wasn't paying attention annyway
<landfish> I SAID THAT ONE TheBoss
<Thrawn42689> ANYWAY
<Blood_Asp> Van Gremlin
<mscbuck> L.A. Gremlidential
<landfish> I SAID THAT ONE Blood_Asp
<Dj-Yoshi> Daregremlin
<Blood_Asp> I DOUBT IT
<Outlaw_torn> done yoshi
<Dj-Yoshi> Batgremlin
<landfish> i did asp
<mscbuck> done
<Chaz_Ghostle> League of Extraordinary Gremlins
<Dj-Yoshi> Watergremlin
<TheBoss> Gremlins of the Lost Ark
<mscbuck> To Kill A Gremlingbird
<TheBoss> Raise the Red Gremlin
<Bill> i bet if i came back in 2 hours you guys would still be going
<Detty> The Railway Gremlins
<Outlaw_torn> Indiana Jones and the Last Gremlins
<TheBoss> The Sweetest Gremlin
<mscbuck> temple of Gremlin has already been done people
<TheBoss> Do the Right Gremlin
<mscbuck> *Gremlin of Doom
<TheBoss> The Third Gremlin
<Dj-Yoshi> Gremlin November
<Dj-Yoshi> Vanilla Gremlin
<Detty> 28 Gremlins Later
<TheBoss> Dances with Gremlins
<Detty> Gremlin of the Dead
--> alpha1 (abrelsford@holonet-5FCF616.tnt2.cbr2.da.uu.net) has joined #massassi
--- ChanServ gives voice to alpha1
<The_Mega_ZZTer> Gremlin in 60 seconds
<TheBoss> The Man who shot Liberty Gremlin
<Detty> 40 Gremlins and 40 Nights
<Thrawn42689> haha
<Chaz_Ghostle> Gremlinstein
--> Shadow89 (Shadow89@holonet-332D1CA8.dc.dc.cox.net) has joined #massassi
--- ChanServ gives voice to Shadow89
<alpha1> hi
<Outlaw_torn> SShadow of the Gremlin
<mscbuck> Gremladeus
<Dj-Yoshi> G.R.E.M.L.I.N
<Dj-Yoshi> .*
<Brad> =====[ updating stats by alpha1's request ]=====
<Brad> [link:
http://chat.woggle.org/stats.php ]
<Blood_Asp> I, Gremlin
<mscbuck> done
<Detty> DONE
<Dj-Yoshi> Open Gremlin
<TheBoss> Time gremlins
<The_Mega_ZZTer> Gremlins in Black
<Blood_Asp> I DOUBT THAT
<Thrawn42689> Battlefield Gremlin
<The_Mega_ZZTer> Blood_Gremlin
<Outlaw_torn> Nope. I did that one:P
<Thrawn42689> Gak
<TheBoss> The Cook, The gremlin, his wife and her lover
<Dj-Yoshi> Gremlony Snickets and a Series of Unfortunate Gremlins
<Thrawn42689> Haha
<mscbuck> Gremlin Darko
<mscbuck> done Yoshi
<Detty> Gremgli
<Chaz_Ghostle> Planet of the Gremlins
<mscbuck> that was one of the first ones
<TheBoss> From Russia with Gremlin
<mscbuck> done Chaz
<Chaz_Ghostle> figured as such
<alpha1> doh
<Thrawn42689> Gremlin
<Dj-Yoshi> Jurassic Gremlin
<alpha1> I need to catch up on talking here
<mscbuck> done
<TheBoss> For you Gremlins Only
<Detty> Gremlinless in Seattle
<TheBoss> OctoGremlin
<Dj-Yoshi> If These gremlins could Talk
<mscbuck> Once Upon a Gremlin In Mexico
<Outlaw_torn> 4 gremlin mentions on the Chat stats.
<landfish> kekeke
<Detty> Look Who's Gremlin
<Detty> Look Who's Gremlin Too
<Detty> Look Who's Gremlin Now
<Chaz_Ghostle> Kill Gremlin
* alpha1 slaps Detty around a bit with a large trout
<Thrawn42689> Um...
<Dj-Yoshi> Reservoir Gremlins
<Thrawn42689> Analyze Gremlin?
<TheBoss> When Gremlin met Sally
<alpha1> gremlin wars
<TheBoss> America's Gremlins
<Blood_Asp> My Cousin Gremlin
<alpha1> Gremlins
<-- Sine_Nomen has quit (Connection reset by peer)
<Detty> Gremlins 2
<alpha1> the actual movie
<alpha1> :p
<Dj-Yoshi> Jersey Gremlin
<Dj-Yoshi> Jay and Silent Gremlin Strike Back
<Dj-Yoshi> Mall Gremlins
<Thrawn42689> What the Gremlin Do We Know?
<TheBoss> Lawrence of Gremrabia
<TheBoss> War of the gremlins
<Blood_Asp> Dead Gremlin Walking
<Chaz_Ghostle> The Gremlin Bunch
<-- zanardi has quit ()
<mscbuck> The Man Who Shot Gremlin Vance
<alpha1> gremla gremla gremlin
<Chaz_Ghostle> Army of Gremlin
<Outlaw_torn> Evil Gremlin
<TheBoss> Woolly Gremlin
<Blood_Asp> Air Force Gremlin
<alpha1> gremlin day
<Dj-Yoshi> Chasing Gremlin
<Blood_Asp> DONE
<Outlaw_torn> Gremlin and the Hendersons
<TheBoss> Six Gremlins Seven Nights
<Dj-Yoshi> Along Came gremlin
<mscbuck> okay, I'm all Gremlin'd out for tonight
<-- Shadow89 has quit ()
<alpha1> lord of the gremlins: fellowship of the gremlin
<landfish> i said that alpha1
<mscbuck> done
<zeet> alright, you all need to shut the f--- up
<alpha1> lord of the gremlins: the two gremlins
<landfish> i said that alpha1
<mscbuck> done
<Outlaw_torn> Done
<Dj-Yoshi> okay it's old now
<landfish> DONE
<Blood_Asp> NO IT ISN"T
<landfish> FINITE
<Thrawn42689> <3 MBM
<alpha1> doh
<landfish> NONE MORE
<Detty> Miss Gremgeniality
<Thrawn42689> Highpass filter is best way to end song.
<TheBoss> Random Gremlins
<mscbuck> Detty, that was awesome
<Dj-Yoshi> Gremlins 2: Operation Takedown
<TheBoss> GT Gremlin Terrestrial
<mscbuck> done
<mscbuck> Gremlinheart
<landfish> ENOUGH
<alpha1> gremgate
<Detty> someone quote all that
<TheBoss> The Way of the Gremlin
<Dj-Yoshi> yeah, let's pack up the gremlins
<Dj-Yoshi> and uh
<Dj-Yoshi> save it for another night
<TheBoss> Bill, Quote all of that
<-- mscbuck has kicked Dj-Yoshi from #massassi (NEVAR!)
<TheBoss> you were there from the beginning
--> Dj-Yoshi (djyoshi@holonet-3C84D3A9.knology.net) has joined #massassi
--- ChanServ gives voice to Dj-Yoshi
<Dj-Yoshi> OMG YAES
<Blood_Asp> A Tale of Two Gremlins
<Thrawn42689> GO MASSASSI GO
<Chaz_Ghostle> We're not done here
* Outlaw_torn pours water on Gremlins
<zeet> I swear if I could I would ban you all so fast
--- Detty sets ban on *!*@holonet-2F36C43B.dialip.mich.net
<Blood_Asp> Gremlinfish
<Jim7> oh qod did we do another "insert [wordhere] into movie titles" thing again?
<Outlaw_torn> heh.
<mscbuck> never mind, boss wiill do it
<Dj-Yoshi> Big Gremlin
<Chaz_Ghostle> The Day the Gremlin Stood Still