With the release of two new video games on the market (as well as other), I feel the urge to buy one. Resident Evil 4 caught my eye when I heard about it for my dear, sweet GCN last year, and was determined I'd pick it up, regardless of the cost. Then, last month, I flip on G4Tech TV, and I see them talking about this EXPLOSIVE game, Mercenaries: Playground of Destruction. This game caght my eyes as well, and decided I'd pick it up for my PS2. Then I noticed that "hey, I have RE4 or Mercenaries...which'll it be?" and I couldn't decide which. On one hand, I've got a scary, yet cool looking game, and on the other, I've got an explosive shoot 'em up. I'm leaning towards the latter, mainly because I'm not sure RE4 is something I'f enjoy much. But then again, I may. So, Massassi, I turn to you. Near Zombie-like people, or Vietnamese Generals on my hitlist?
I had a blog. It sucked.