There IS a significant editing community for JA, it's bigger than JK's. You don't need level tutorials because it's exactly like Quake 3. If you want to know any details specific to JA then you search LucasForums, it'll be there. Or read many of the JA tutorials that are out there, however people like you seem to refuse that they exist.
Modding wise, JA is far more capable than JK. I cannot put into words how much more powerful C is than COG. "much less has been looked into onto the engine." Well it's the same goddamn engine, so that's kind of hard. And if you know C, you don't need a bunch of tutorials guiding you through how to mod an engine which is already well documented. JA modding isn't meant to pick it up and read tutorials and just mod it. Yes, it is harder, no one is disputing that, but it's far more capable.
Really kirby, you don't know anything about programming so I find it hard to believe you can know something about how difficult JA is to mod or what the coding resources are out there for it.
The bottom line, the reason JO/JA has little documentation is because you don't need it. Just look at Q3 or SoF2 documentation, it's all there and there's plenty of it. Of course you can't just pick up JA and mod it. You can't pick up HL and mod it either, you still need to know how to program.
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.