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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Abyssinia, Massassi
Abyssinia, Massassi
2005-01-19, 5:20 AM #41
Bye Jeff! You did a great job in trying to keep order here in your adminship. I hope whatever life you're deep in now keeps getting better.
"NAILFACE" - spe
2005-01-19, 5:45 AM #42
Bye Jeff... Cardia SE was better than Drazen...
2005-01-19, 6:42 AM #43
Originally posted by Martyn
Bye bye!

Have fun!

Couldn't have said it better.
No sig.
2005-01-19, 7:02 AM #44
Bye Jeff... Cardia SE was better than Drazen...

Amen. Have a happy magic carpet ride, Jeff.
2005-01-19, 8:37 AM #45
Originally posted by p3
no more soul jokes.

as an aside, welcome to Massassi. Never saw the obligatory, 'Hi, I'm new' post from you.... unless you're the undead doppleganger of another member, then you should know that soul jokes are an inherent part of massassi culture. It's not any attempt to rub any religion the wrong way, and i think you're the only person I've ever seen that took them the wrong way.

So, for your homework, I'd suggest watching the movie Dogma.
"Those ****ing amateurs... You left your dog, you idiots!"
2005-01-19, 8:42 AM #46
Originally posted by Radar O'Reilly
I have a message...

Jaiph's plane...

...was shot down over the sea of Japan...

It spun in...

...there were no survivors.

BAHAHAHAH <3 who did this...
2005-01-19, 8:57 AM #47
Originally posted by MechWarrior
BAHAHAHAH <3 who did this...

it was a family guy episode.
2005-01-19, 9:34 AM #48
p3 has been around for quite some time, except more in CC and BCF. You would know him if you ever looked at JL.
2005-01-19, 10:06 AM #49
Originally posted by Hebedee
p3 has been around for quite some time, except more in CC and BCF. You would know him if you ever looked at JL.

p3 has been around longer than most of the people who've posted in this thread.
2005-01-19, 10:14 AM #50
I'd fly the flag at half mast, but that'd mean losing it behind my bed.

See ya around, mate.
Hey, Blue? I'm loving the things you do. From the very first time, the fight you fight for will always be mine.
2005-01-19, 10:16 AM #51
I feel like sharing some quotes that made it into my collection from Jaiph. Not that it'll mean much but here you go anyway:

"Well, people who live in glass rocks shouldn't throw houses at other people. Or something like that."

"The reason I put a link to it is because she is in underwear and I know the admins are touchy on that."
"You have no idea."
"Jaiph will touch himself for hours if he so much as smells a woman's underwear"
(Kieran, Jaiph, and Yecti)

And my all time favourite:

"Look on the bright side Gonk, somewhere...out a guy with even less chance of making it with Keira than you.
....I bet he's playing WoW though. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA YOU ARE LIFE'S JOKE."

Good luck :)
2005-01-19, 10:24 AM #52
2005-01-19, 10:27 AM #53
Sorry to see you go. :( Come back now ya hear? You'll be itching for some Massassi with in a year, I promise.

Of course, there will massive amount of sucking up to the admins before someone is chosen to take your place. :p It'll be interesting to see who fills your place. Mort-Hog would probably be a good candidate.
2005-01-19, 10:30 AM #54
To Dsettahr or another admin: It would be really great if we could archive Jaiph's three issues of the Massassian. Maybe under "articles" or something. We just can't lose them. They need to remain a part of Massassi, for they are hilarious. If they are securely hosted by CC, then we at least need some links to them somewhere.

To everyone else: bug the admins until they do it. :p
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2005-01-19, 10:33 AM #55
lol yeah those issues were that best.
2005-01-19, 10:38 AM #56
Originally posted by Jaiph
...or you could just hassle me on ICQ or IRC :p

I've got a question for you... why are you still here?
2005-01-19, 10:44 AM #57
2005-01-19, 11:49 AM #58
Originally posted by Pagewizard_YKS
it was a family guy episode.

M*A*S*H came LONG before Family Guy.
"In the beginning, the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move." - Douglas Adams
Are you finding Ling-Ling's head?
Last Stand
2005-01-19, 11:51 AM #59
Originally posted by Freelancer
To Dsettahr or another admin: It would be really great if we could archive Jaiph's three issues of the Massassian. Maybe under "articles" or something. We just can't lose them. They need to remain a part of Massassi, for they are hilarious. If they are securely hosted by CC, then we at least need some links to them somewhere.

To everyone else: bug the admins until they do it. :p

I'll upload them to the server when I get home from work tonight.
2005-01-19, 11:53 AM #60
Bye Jaiph. I'll always love you.
My Parkour blog
My Twitter. Follow me!
2005-01-19, 12:00 PM #61
It's always sad to see a massassian leave, and even more so now. You'll be missed :(

My favorite Jaiph quote:

"The thought of becoming nothing is daunting, but then again it's what I once was."
2005-01-19, 12:12 PM #62
Originally posted by fourwood
I've got a question for you... why are you still here?

He still has admin rights... Don't make him mad at you. :banned:
2005-01-19, 12:26 PM #63
Hey Jaiph/Jeff - before you go, I know I'm not alone in saying thanks for all the hard work that you've done (both JK editing as well as your admin-ship) :) - in my time at massassi, you've been one of the people I respect for always having a valid, sensible perspective on things (even when they've got heated ;)), as well as a great sense of humour ;)

Best of luck to you in "Real-Life" TM ;); have a good one :D - although we'll all miss the "Massassian" (as well as you I suppose... :p ;)); good times to shared with a great guy.


PS: The soul-box only opens 1-way, so you can forget any lame attempts at asking for a refund :p. Take it easy - and you always know where we "lurk"... :D
"lucky_jackpot is the smily god..." -gothicX
"Life is mostly froth and bubble, but two things stand in stone,
Kindness in another's trouble, courage in your own"
- "Ye Wearie Wayfarer"
|| AI Builder: compatible with both JK & MotS || My website ||
2005-01-19, 12:47 PM #64
Originally posted by DSettahr
p3 has been around longer than most of the people who've posted in this thread.

I was just thrown off by the 9 posts I guess. That and the only people's posts I read are my own.
"Those ****ing amateurs... You left your dog, you idiots!"
2005-01-19, 1:20 PM #65
Oh, and more thing - if anyone wants to keep any of the Massassian 'issues' I'll leave them up on the CC server for a while (links in sig).

Yes, I was just about to ask about those! They are hilarious, and I would hate to see them disappear off of the face of the earth forever. Please upload them somewhere safe, preferably on Massassi. Heck, I'll even see if I can save a few copies.

Also, you will be missed. I enjoyed all of your wild humor and good-natured Australian jokes. Also, I just wanted to let you know, you will always be . . .

Captain Tight Pants

My JK Level Design | 2005 JK Hub Level Pack (Plexus) | Massassi Levels
2005-01-19, 1:21 PM #66
Daft, read Dsettahr's post 6 above yours. ;)
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2005-01-19, 3:44 PM #67
Originally posted by Freelancer
Daft, read Dsettahr's post 6 above yours. ;)

Glad to hear it. Thanks! :)
My JK Level Design | 2005 JK Hub Level Pack (Plexus) | Massassi Levels
2005-01-19, 3:54 PM #68
Au Revoir!
2005-01-19, 4:25 PM #69
Well, good luck in all your endeavors. Try not to have too much fun down in Australia. ;)
Life is beautiful.
2005-01-19, 4:33 PM #70
There are a few members here who aren't allowed to leave... and you are one of them! You hear me? You're banned from leaving! Now, come back.

Come back?:(
"I got kicked off the high school debate team for saying 'Yeah? Well, **** you!'
... I thought I had won."
2005-01-19, 4:39 PM #71
2005-01-19, 4:40 PM #72
Have fun! :)
That painting was a gift, Todd. I'm taking it with me.
2005-01-19, 4:48 PM #73
I think we should have an Australian replace jaiph as an admin.



Spork is Australian. Not like is was asking to be admined or anything.

Snail racing: (500 posts per line)------@%
2005-01-19, 5:17 PM #74
Originally posted by Obi_Kwiet
He still has admin rights... Don't make him mad at you. :banned:

Actually, he already de-admined himself.
2005-01-19, 5:19 PM #75
Originally posted by KegZ
You'll be missed Jaiph, Massassi will be worse off without you.

I couldn't have said it better myself.

And nobody can top your ban of Em. Nobody.

I'll miss you man.
2005-01-19, 6:07 PM #76
You'll be missed Jaiph, come back and visit sometimes.
2005-01-19, 6:08 PM #77
So long, Jaiph.
2005-01-19, 6:39 PM #78
"Oh, please don't go out on me. Don't go on me now.
Never acted up before. Son't go on me now.
I swear I never took it for granted. Just thought of it now.
Suppose I abused you. Just passing it on."

I'd copy the rest of the lyrics, but that simply wouldn't make sense, even though "Turned to my nemesis, a full on ****in' god" is one of the best lines ever. haha :)

See ya around.
former entrepreneur
2005-01-20, 1:54 AM #79
Damn. Our supply of Australian members are running low.


Massassi is losing the best tasting Australian it ever had.


Sad to see you go, Jeff.
2005-01-20, 12:59 PM #80

Sad to see one of the rational, level headed ones go.


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