I genearally charge by contract. i want half of my fee up front, the other half paid at job completion.
My fee is determined on the following variables:
1. Job complexity
a. what does client need?
b. what will it take to meet client's demands?
c. Is this something I can do easily or will it be difficult?
2. How long the job will take.
a. Will I have it done in an hour or will I have to slave away on it for a month?
b. when is the deadline? Does the client need it soon, or is it a lower priority task. Express work = MUCH higher fee.
3. Outsourcing
a. will I need to sub-contract services that I don't provide myself, like advanced scripting/search engine rank optimization? If so, expected costs of this are added to the fee, so client ends up paying for it.
b. Any domain/hosting services needed? If so, i add registration/hosting costs to my fee, plus the labor involved in obtaining these services and getting everything ready.
c. will I need to obtain extra software for this job? If so, cost of software is added to the fee. (doesn't happen too often)
When I consider all these things, My fees start at $350 minimum for a simple job and go up from there.
Old aunts used to come up to me at weddings, poking me in the ribs and cackling, telling me, "You're next." They stopped after I started doing the same thing to them at funerals.
[This message has been edited by Pagewizard_YKS (edited April 21, 2004).]