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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Bush's ridiculous speech
Bush's ridiculous speech
2005-01-20, 11:15 PM #41
Well, I don't believe that. I'm willing to concede a few points if anyone argues rationally against them; I really am. It's just that apparently my points "aren't worth" arguing against. They're just scared.
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2005-01-20, 11:16 PM #42
See - how are we supposed to debate you Freelancer?

Someone saying "Just comes to confirm that bush is fanatical and borderline psychotic, and that those of you who elected him are even worse" gets a "Ah, thank god. Finally a voice of reason."

Anything else and it's "no one reads my post!" :rolleyes:



Case closed.

And don't even get me started on European's. I listen to alot of European bands, and so I visit their forums. On one of them all these people from European countries were saying that the "US galloped into WW2 to be heroes" and that "their contribution isn't important since they had little bloodshed compared to us"

I really don't think that European comments on Bush OR the UN is really going to change my mind. They're as brainwashed as Americans or any other country is.
2005-01-20, 11:21 PM #43
Originally posted by Freelancer
Well, I don't believe that. I'm willing to concede a few points if anyone argues rationally against them; I really am. It's just that apparently my points "aren't worth" arguing against. They're just scared.

Are you ****ing kidding me??

The majority of your "points" are "I can't believe He said that blah blah that's really scary Bush is physchotic how can he do this blah blah blah"


Oh but of course we are just scared to debate with the Master of Wits Freelancer, the all knowing wizard of debating..

Or maybe we don't want to get caught in a vicious cycle of ridiculous bickering that goes absolutly nowhere. Just where this thread is headed.
2005-01-20, 11:22 PM #44

Even the title of this thread is "Bush's ridiculous speech"

Didn't even have to click to know it'd be a bash thread. ;)
2005-01-20, 11:29 PM #45
See - how are we supposed to debate you Freelancer?

Someone saying "Just comes to confirm that bush is fanatical and borderline psychotic, and that those of you who elected him are even worse" gets a "Ah, thank god. Finally a voice of reason."

Anything else and it's "no one reads my post!"



Case closed.

BULL. ****.

Since you have failed to question any of my points, I must conclude that you believe the following:

- Bush's actions are not justified by 9/11.
- Bush's preemptive attitude and threats are not justified.
- People dislike America because of said attitude.
- America is not in great peril.
- Our liberty does not depend on the liberty of other countries.
- Bush's suggestion that we have a "calling" to participate in the upheaval of non-democratic governments is not justified.
- It is troubling that the US can bully any country it feels like under the pretense of ending tyrrany.
- Tyranny can be found in the attitudes and actions of American toward other countries.
- The extent to which America can go to enforce it's foreign policy is open-ended, which is troubling.
- The only time force is necessary is when your country is in imminent danger.
- Bush is out of touch with what Americans want.
- America imposes governments on the unwilling.
- Bush's vision for spreading democracy is ambiguous, and impossible to carry out.
- Protecting the nation does not require a rigorously invasive foreign policy.
- Bush garners support with his propaganda. Use of the words good and evil, demonizing our opponents, etc.
- Bush touts democracy and freedom but does not listen to much of the country.
- America has demonstrated that it does not need or want allies, or advice from allies.
- Bush spends too much energy worrying about the world and not enough on his own country.

There you have it. My points. Which you could have realized if YOU HAD /READ MY POST/. If these points are "not worth responding to", then I can only come to one of two conclusions:

1) You agree with me, or
2) You are scared.
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2005-01-20, 11:30 PM #46
There are no countries directly threatening the United States, so therefore their administration should concentrate in home policy and developing their own goddamn country! Why waste millions and millions of tax money to zealously charge into other countries who have not attacked America when that money could be used to improve things that ACTUALLY MATTER TO THE WELLFARE OF THE CITIZENS OF THE USA!!
Yeah, you stay here and take life seriously. I'll go and have some fun.
2005-01-20, 11:32 PM #47
Originally posted by Freelancer
BULL. ****.

Since you have failed to question any of my points, I must conclude that you believe the following:

- Bush's actions are justified by 9/11.
- Bush's preemptive attitude and threats are justified.
- People dislike America because of said attitude.
- America is in great peril.
- Our liberty does not depend on the liberty of other countries.
- Bush's suggestion that we have a "calling" to participate in the upheaval of non-democratic governments is justified.
- It is troubling that the US can bully any country it feels like under the pretense of ending tyrrany.
- Tyranny can be found in the attitudes and actions of American toward other countries.
- The extent to which America can go to enforce it's foreign policy is open-ended, which is troubling.
- The only time force is necessary is when your country is in imminent danger.
- Bush is out of touch with what Americans want.
- America imposes governments on the unwilling.
- Bush's vision for spreading democracy is ambiguous, and impossible to carry out.
- Protecting the nation does not require a rigorously invasive foreign policy.
- Bush garners support with his propaganda. Use of the words good and evil, demonizing our opponents, etc.
- Bush touts democracy and freedom but does not listen to much of the country.
- America has demonstrated that it does not need or want allies, or advice from allies.
- Bush spends too much energy worrying about the world and not enough on his own country.

There you have it. My points. Which you could have realized if YOU HAD /READ MY POST/. If these points are "not worth responding to", then I can only come to one of two conclusions:

1) You agree with me, or
2) You are scared.


Option Number 3: WE DON'T CARE
2005-01-20, 11:33 PM #48
Then why did you reply? (Slight note: Since the time of you quoting me, I have added 4 "not"s to my points to fix logic errors).
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2005-01-20, 11:36 PM #49
You really love linear logic don't you.

I replied because you made a very ridiculous statement (that we must be scared to debate you) and I felt the need to point it out.

Simple enough? Ok
2005-01-20, 11:37 PM #50
Really Freelancer, your baiting might have got Ubuu banned, but I'm not going to bite.

I have already explained why I will not debate you in this.

You list points now - great. Most the points have already been discussed in countless threads before during 2004 election time. It accomplished nothing.

Let it go man...

People don't agree with you and don't feel like wasting time debating you. If you want to think it's because we're scared, then I guess you can 'conclude' that like everything else.

Peace! I'm out~
2005-01-20, 11:38 PM #51
A lot of people do not back his vision. A lot of people are fed up with his war mongering and threatening speech.

And yet he manages to get re-elected... GO figure.

I said it before and I'll say it again.. I'm just waiting for the day to come (whcih it will) during his second term that Americans start to realise what a huge mistake it was, and begin to piss and moan about him being in office, which is, their fault.
2005-01-20, 11:39 PM #52
Originally posted by Demon_Nightmare
Really Freelancer, your baiting might have got Ubuu banned, but I'm not going to bite.

I have already explained why I will not debate you in this.

You list points now - great. Most the points have already been discussed in countless threads before during 2004 election time. It accomplished nothing.

Let it go man...

People don't agree with you and don't feel like wasting time debating you. If you want to think it's because we're scared, then I guess you can 'conclude' that like everything else.

Peace! I'm out~

Well said. I also am not posting again in this thread.

2005-01-20, 11:40 PM #53
Originally posted by Demon_Nightmare
Really Freelancer, your baiting might have got Ubuu banned, but I'm not going to bite.

I have already explained why I will not debate you in this.

You list points now - great. Most the points have already been discussed in countless threads before during 2004 election time. It accomplished nothing.

Let it go man...

People don't agree with you and don't feel like wasting time debating you. If you want to think it's because we're scared, then I guess you can 'conclude' that like everything else.

Peace! I'm out~

If you don't want to participate in a rational debate, then GET THE HELL OUT. I'm sick of you telling me my points are not valid, or not worth responding to. They are, you just don't want to for some reason I can't pry from your cold, lifeless lips. What are you still doing here? Shoo! I'll be waiting for someone who isn't going to quibble over nothing and DISCUSS THE ISSUES. KTHXBYE.
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2005-01-20, 11:40 PM #54
Originally posted by Raoul Duke
Well said. I also am not posting again in this thread.


"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2005-01-20, 11:40 PM #55
Freelancer, your comment about " What day of fire? What is this day of fire that requires us to be the pricks of the world?" is the 9/11 stuff. That's why he said a day of fire after years of peace.

BTW, I am not saying Bush is justified to say anything, nor am I saying I support him. Hell, I voted Kerry. Though I wanted to fill in the ballot and write "Bill Clinton".
I can't think of anything to put here right now.
2005-01-20, 11:41 PM #56
I also find it funny that the only people who aren't getting hung up on nothing (semantics) are non-americans.
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2005-01-20, 11:41 PM #57
oh jebus...this is not a debate, this is a rabid mutated badger attack.
I'm outta here as well
Yeah, you stay here and take life seriously. I'll go and have some fun.
2005-01-21, 12:19 AM #58

You seriously need help. It's as if you've taken the stereotype of the angst-ridden high school leftist and multiplied it. What's funny is that this isn't really a new's just a strange twist on the way you used to act...which was exactly the same - equally lacking in critical thinking skills, depth and common sense, but inclined in a different direction. You've got both sides pretty well covered..give moderation a shot, maybe?
A desperate disease requires a dangerous remedy.

A major source of objection to a free economy is precisely that it gives people what they want instead of what a particular group thinks they ought to want. Underlying most arguments against the free market is a lack of belief in freedom itself.


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