Levar Burton/Geordi.
It sucks that all the TNG people are old now
Oh well.
The good thing about all this is, Berman is out. So ASSUMING There is a possibility of Star Trek in the future, at least he won't be in charge of it.
Honestly, I totally agree that Star Trek has gotten terrible in the last, say, 4 years.
Basically since DS9 ended it's gone further and further downhill.
First TNG was king, then DS9 came along. DS9 sucked, then it got "ok," Then TNG started to end. TNG was the best of it's time. then voyager came along. everyone watched voyager, then after a year everyone realized it sucked, and DS9 got better. Everyone kept watching DS9 while Voyager was an excuse to keep the franchise going while DS9 wasn't on, and the TNG movies were being produced. Then the TNG movies started to suck, after first contact. Voyager sucked too, because the borg got involved, and the borg turned into not a fearsome enemy of deep space, but a movie of the week with the same idea of last week with an extra electronic gismo or slight twist on the story. Then DS9 had the war with the Dominion closing, and hte show, as it was, in it's full form, absolutely fantastic, fun, and entertaining, not quite Trek like TNG and TOS, but great storytelling and netertainment nonetheless, ended.
In the end we wre elft with Voyager. A skeleton of a show with bad, bad acting, and a fantastic franchise behind it. Voyager got worse, andworse. It had about 10 great episodes, but it jsut got worse, and worse. Then the borg had a borg "hub" in the final episode and we learn that the borg are actually *gasp* bigger than we thought last time, and the show ended.
Then The guy from Quantam leap (sam beckett/scott bakula) was going to turn things around, but Rick Berman forgot to include storytelling in his show.
A show with so much potential...
Now, I guess, the series of ENterprise has it's best season, it's 4th Season. Unfortunately, for me, a die-hard trekkie, I stopped watching in tne 3rd Season...
Partially due to the fact that there's no cable at the dorms where I've lived in the last 2 years, but still. The show wasn't great anymore :P.
There were so many problems.
Lack of storytelling
Lack of science
Lack of character development (good development anyway)
lack of futuristicness (it's a prequal...I mean. It had potential, but it never exceeded expectations in terms of showing something "new and different")
It just seemed to "tie things together" with other series...finally explain how that phaser came around, or that transporter.
I want to see a Vulcan/Romulan War that we never heard of.
I want to see the Klingon/Vulcan Conflict, and see how the federation handles it.
I want to see the crap kicked out of Enterprise and see them repaired the next day for a new adventure.
Bah...regardless of what I want to see, there is still problems in those.
THey could have still turned out to being bad, or boring.
They still would have happened before other things in TNG or TOS, restricting storytelling ability, and giving viewers a knowledge of what would happen later anyway.
There would be obvious plotholes that would conflict with history of hte federation in other series.
Perhaps this series was doomed anyway... it would have made a better miniseries.
I don't know where Star Trek Goes from here, but I just hope, and wish, that it can go back to exploring the Federation. Just because TNG is over doesn't mean a ship can't explore all of hte Galaxy, just because DS9 existed doesn't mean the writers must assume the whole galaxy is explored.
if everyone assumes that...there's no storytelling.
Just start writing about "more unexplored areas" and let your imagination take place...
anyways, my rant. I have no idea if it was supposed to be a history, or a personal opinion, but I've had so many opinions about this since TNG ended...
It's just both a great and a sad day at the same time
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