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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Cave Story
Cave Story
2005-02-07, 7:59 PM #1
Found this when someone over at PA posted it, and thought you people here would appreciate it.
Basically, it's a super small (<1meg) platform game similiar to Metroid or Wonder Boy.

"What sets Cave Story aside from the masses of other freeware games is that despite it's tiny file size (under 1 megabyte compressed), it's a lengthy and involving game. Despite having primitive graphics and an intentionally retro-themed (although catchy nonetheless) musical score, it is driven by a remarkably involving and often dark storyline, despite its initially cute appearance. Telling you anything would be a spoiler in itself, so I'll just leave it at this - it starts with the most classic plot MacGuffin of them all - you wake up in a dark cavern with no memory of who you are, where you are, or what you're supposed to be doing. Don't worry - all will become clear in time."

Seriously, this game rocks. And any game that rocks, with multiple endings, and is under 1's just like whoa man whoa

ok it
<Anovis> mmmm I wanna lick your wet, Mentis.
2005-02-07, 8:08 PM #2
This reminds me a bit of Jill of the Jungle.
2005-02-07, 8:12 PM #3
2005-02-07, 8:20 PM #4
You let me down. :( I though I was going to get to "OLD NEWS" a post describing the "creepy" caving story posted on the internet a while back.

That being said, I'll come back and try the game someday soon.
Marsz, marsz, Dąbrowski,
Z ziemi włoskiej do Polski,
Za twoim przewodem
Złączym się z narodem.
2005-02-07, 8:32 PM #5
This game is awesome
2005-02-07, 8:43 PM #6
In the egg level, how do I get past the force field past egg #1?
2005-02-07, 8:48 PM #7
I think you have to investiagte the eggs that the monitors in the observation room have that are red.
2005-02-07, 9:00 PM #8
Originally posted by Overlord
I think you have to investiagte the eggs that the monitors in the observation room have that are red.

<Anovis> mmmm I wanna lick your wet, Mentis.
2005-02-07, 9:03 PM #9
Originally posted by Ric_Olie
You let me down. :( I though I was going to get to "OLD NEWS" a post describing the "creepy" caving story posted on the internet a while back.

That being said, I'll come back and try the game someday soon.
I can't think of anything to put here right now.

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