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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Do you like this picture?
Do you like this picture?
2005-02-08, 3:41 PM #1
I took this a while back, up in NH...3sec exposure, IIRC.


Since some of you haven't been able to get it working..: random pictures, I guess...preferably something you took yourself :p

Edit again:'s resized and attached a few posts down. If that doesn't work for y'all, I give up.
2005-02-08, 3:42 PM #2
ohh.. that's pretty.
2005-02-08, 3:53 PM #3
Unauthorized referrer, huh? ILL GIVE YOU AN UNAUTHORIZED REFERRER!
2005-02-08, 3:53 PM #4
I cannot view the image. I get unathorized referrer. And I c&p the link.
Code to the left of him, code to the right of him, code in front of him compil'd and thundered. Programm'd at with shot and $SHELL. Boldly he typed and well. Into the jaws of C. Into the mouth of PERL. Debug'd the 0x258.
2005-02-08, 4:13 PM #5

Near the bottom is a for "CadetLee" -- it'll let you link from AT..
2005-02-08, 4:19 PM #6
or, click the link and hit refresh
Holy soap opera Batman. - FGR
Free Jin!
2005-02-08, 4:22 PM #7
near the bottom.... sorry, I'm not searching around for a link to look at a pic that apparently is pretty!

I think these are amazing considering they were taken by me on my crappy digicam



[edit] doesn't work for me, Genki
<spe> maevie - proving dykes can't fly

<Dor> You're levelling up and gaining more polys!
2005-02-08, 4:37 PM #8
You must have crappy browsers or something. :p

Just for you, maevie:
2005-02-08, 4:40 PM #9
You calling Firefox a crappy browser? Ha! ;)

Oh, and "The operation timed out when attempting to connect to"

Gah, just attach it to the thread...
2005-02-08, 4:42 PM #10
Okay, well, it seems to work in IE (oh the irony).

Anyways, looks cool. Makes me want to pick up some saw blades with my gravity gun and throw them at zombies.
2005-02-08, 4:46 PM #11
I use Firefox, and I don't typically have problems with bbzzdd..ah well.

To attach, I had to resize down from 1600x1200 :(
2005-02-08, 4:47 PM #12
I can't think of anything to put here right now.
2005-02-08, 4:50 PM #13
Wow, Thrawn, I had no idea you were so sexy.
2005-02-08, 4:52 PM #14
i like that picture.

my favourite parts are the house and the circle of cloud under the moon.

also the slight blur on the plantlife compared to the sharpness of the static structures.

What film speed?

also, the way the house is shot, it looks like it could be part of a Half Life 2 level, randomly.

the arial is mint too.
2005-02-08, 4:55 PM #15
Originally posted by Mr. Stafford
i like that picture.

my favourite parts are the house and the circle of cloud under the moon.

also the slight blur on the plantlife compared to the sharpness of the static structures.

What film speed?

also, the way the house is shot, it looks like it could be part of a Half Life 2 level, randomly.

the arial is mint too.

File Name 133-3337_IMG.JPG (lol)
Camera Model Name Canon PowerShot A40
Shooting Date/Time 8/10/2003 7:47:27 PM
Shooting Mode Manual
Color Effect Mode Off
Tv( Shutter Speed ) 3.2
Av( Aperture Value ) 2.8
Metering Mode Evaluative
ISO Speed 50
Lens 5.4 - 16.2mm
Focal Length 5.4mm
Digital Zoom None
Image Size 1600x1200
Image Quality Superfine
Flash Off
White Balance Auto
AF Mode Single
Active AF Points [ Center ]
Parameters Contrast Normal
Sharpness Normal
Color saturation Normal
File Size 449KB
Serial Number 133-3337
Drive Mode Continuous shooting

Edit: It's an old train yard, if anyone was wondering...building on the left, and I think both of the 'structures' on the right are container cars. It's too dark to see tracks or anything..
2005-02-08, 4:59 PM #16
Well.. it's a house... with a sun..

No offense, but I really don't see the point. It just looks like you went out your backyard, turned around, and took a picture with a cheap throwable camera that doesn't work well in low light environments.
The music industry is a cruel and shallow money trench where thieves and pimps run free, and good men die like dogs. There's also a negative side.
2005-02-08, 5:14 PM #17
Originally posted by Flexor
Well.. it's a house... with a sun..

No offense, but I really don't see the point. It just looks like you went out your backyard, turned around, and took a picture with a cheap throwable camera that doesn't work well in low light environments.

It's much smaller than a house..and I'm pretty sure that was the moon. That was a 2.8 second exposure, btw..there was probably less light than you think. :)

I'm not offended, though...think whatever you like :p your logic, what's the point of photography? All it is is pictures of stuff.
2005-02-08, 5:18 PM #18
took this with my camera on my phone at the time which was a Nokia 7650, so it only had a resolution of 640*480 and too be honest was a pretty naff camera, but I liked how the lens flare turned out....
People of our generation should not be subjected to mornings.

2005-02-08, 5:20 PM #19

Those we don't speak of!

Reminds me of the The Village.
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2005-02-08, 11:06 PM #20
Originally posted by kyle90
Wow, Thrawn, I had no idea you were so sexy.

Thanks. I work out every morning at 6 am, and work 10 hour shifts at work with little to no breaks for crappy wages, then run off and join the marines cause I want to.
I can't think of anything to put here right now.
2005-02-08, 11:14 PM #21
2005-02-09, 7:15 AM #22
Just some macro+flora+frost fun.

Nothing compared with the previous post. Gwah, even Murc's most static and conventional pictures obey the law of the Golden Fibonacci cut.
If it breaks, you get to keep both pieces.
2005-02-09, 7:20 AM #23
Well, I made this animation out of pictures from a webcam convo in MSN. Didn't bother polishing it.

Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2005-02-09, 7:21 AM #24
Sometimes all you can do is try approximate the colours by capturing them with your lens. If you're lucky, the picture turns out a fifth as memorable.
If it breaks, you get to keep both pieces.
2005-02-09, 7:35 AM #25
that's really cool, Fastgamerr. something kinda arachnoid about it though...*shudder*
<spe> maevie - proving dykes can't fly

<Dor> You're levelling up and gaining more polys!
2005-02-09, 7:51 AM #26
Took these on my old camera when I was surveying last summer...

Cloud formation pretty!

Similar but later on

My mate Ed: I just like this pic

Can't wait to take my new 4MP camera out...
2005-02-09, 2:10 PM #27
its very pretty

althought, i lightened it up a little bit and saw a lot of other things in thepicture that i couldnt see before becuase of the darkness of the one side.. and it made everything look so much more beautiful..atleas to me i dont now..maybe you were aiming for those things to stay in teh dark :) or maybe its my cruddy monitor...but then teh rest of the picture brightened too so it didnt look so much like a night scene anymore ... very nice though :)
[teletubbie voice] BIG HUG!!!! [/teletubbie voice]
2005-02-09, 2:18 PM #28
Personally, I think those buildings ruin the moon effect. :(
Sneaky sneaks. I'm actually a werewolf. Woof.

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