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ForumsDiscussion Forum → World of Warcraft!
World of Warcraft!
2005-02-11, 8:22 PM #1
This is just a general thread, discuss anything you want, ask any questions, post your characters.
This is Mikus, my lvl 22 hunter on sargeras. Though this picture doesn't reflect it, his primary weapon is a double barreled shotgun.

I regret every bad thing I ever said about World of Warcraft.

2005-02-11, 8:28 PM #2
do it containses pie?
2005-02-11, 9:07 PM #3
It does! Different kinds!
2005-02-11, 9:11 PM #4
How do you keep from becoming intensely bored? I played that for quite a while during beta, and some at my friends house over the weekend. And it drove me nuts. It felt waaaay too much like a hack and slash with a few extra quests thrown in.
2005-02-11, 9:15 PM #5
Hack and slash? LOL. It hardly deserves the title "Hack and slash". More like press some buttons and watch some animations. lol.
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2005-02-11, 9:31 PM #6
Originally posted by Freelancer
Hack and slash? LOL. It hardly deserves the title "Hack and slash". More like press some buttons and watch some animations. lol.


On another note, this is my giant troll Mikus, Connection Problem's troll Jahrakal took this picture after I got drunk and a witch doctor enlarged my manhood.
2005-02-11, 9:43 PM #7
Originally posted by Cool Matty
How do you keep from becoming intensely bored? I played that for quite a while during beta, and some at my friends house over the weekend. And it drove me nuts. It felt waaaay too much like a hack and slash with a few extra quests thrown in.

There's so many quests it's not even funny. I was pretty skeptical about the whole "pay to play" stuff, but I'm really enjoying the game.

Anyways, aren't you the guy who played Ragnarock?!

Pics of Jahrakal and Thunderwrath tommorrow.
2005-02-11, 9:44 PM #8
Don't mind me, I'm a religious player of eq2 myself and so I just dissed myself.
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2005-02-11, 9:49 PM #9
Originally posted by Cool Matty
How do you keep from becoming intensely bored? I played that for quite a while during beta, and some at my friends house over the weekend. And it drove me nuts. It felt waaaay too much like a hack and slash with a few extra quests thrown in.

As a former Diablo II addict, I can really appreciate this game, D2 quickly degenerated into run after run after run, while WoW has kept me so fully stocked up on quests, that I have no less than 10 active at a time, and all of different types, deliveries, pick ups, massacres, exploration, and some others I can't think of.

Truly a God among MMORPGs.
2005-02-11, 9:55 PM #10
The one time I've had to do major farming and grinding is trying to raise money for my mount. Those things are way too expensive.
Democracy: rule by the stupid
2005-02-12, 12:05 AM #11
Anyone on Sargeras?
2005-02-12, 12:44 AM #12
Tibias quests beat like any mmorpg out there, there so intuitive and HARD. Seriously, its not just "go there, say hi to that guy, collect item, run to spot a, etc,etc" Incredibly addictive quests, and the pvps not easy either:P Hard to get into the game though, and deffinantly takes a long time to level. Part of the fun though i suppose.

2005-02-12, 12:59 AM #13
I've been playing this game almost religiously since December. Since then, I've made about over 12 characters (I deleted a lot of them) and I have about 5 chars active atm. I have three alliance characters on the Uther server (two of them part of the MYTH inc Guild with one being an officer and one of the founders of the guild) and two more I just created for the Horde on the Uldum server. If you're an active player that plays on the Uther server and is looking for a guild, feel free to send me mail (in the game) or send a tell when I'm online as "Melinda".

BTW, WoW just came in Europe, in case you europeans haven't heard.
The cake is a lie... THE CAKE IS A LIE!!!!!
2005-02-12, 1:12 AM #14
2005-02-12, 1:36 AM #15
Some nice graphics you got there finity.
"Well ain't that a merry jelly." - FastGamerr

"You can actually see the waves of me not caring in the air." - fishstickz
2005-02-12, 4:10 AM #16
I haven't had any time to play in the last few weeks, but am hoping to, once my new work schedule sorts itself out.


There's far too much to do in this game to become bored, in my opinion. The Battlegrounds system sounds like it's going to be a blast as well. I'm sure former DAoC players will appreciate it.
2005-02-12, 7:54 AM #17
Dual wielding on a hunter isn't a great idea considering the cooldown on raptor strike. Look for a nice 2 hander, I've got an axe with +5 stam +5 agi for my melee, works a treat.
2005-02-12, 8:32 AM #18
I just started a horde char on sargeras.
I wont post my main, mainly because I have no pictures of him in his later levels.
2005-02-12, 8:45 AM #19
Originally posted by Mikus
As a former Diablo II addict, I can really appreciate this game, D2 quickly degenerated into run after run after run, while WoW has kept me so fully stocked up on quests, that I have no less than 10 active at a time, and all of different types, deliveries, pick ups, massacres, exploration, and some others I can't think of.

Truly a God among MMORPGs.

Curious....what was your account name(s) in DII?
2005-02-12, 9:07 AM #20
Eeew more NE hunters.

I'll get a pic of my two chars later.
"Jayne, this is something the Captain has to do for himself"

"N-No it's not!"

2005-02-12, 10:08 AM #21
Dual wielding on a hunter isn't a great idea considering the cooldown on raptor strike. Look for a nice 2 hander, I've got an axe with +5 stam +5 agi for my melee, works a treat.

I wasn't aware of that. I guess I need to start reading some tutorials on training. Up until now I've been training in whatever sounds cool, and when I'm not doing quests I'm either sniping off half dead Horde or fishing. :)
2005-02-12, 10:24 AM #22
Originally posted by MentatMM
whatever sounds cool

That's entirely how I've been playing WoW.

My friend was crapping on about how he chose his pet because it has a fast attack rate and decent DPS, told him I chose my tiger cos he looks cool! Exactly the same with two-handed swords. No idea if thier DPS is actually any good for a Hunter, but damn if very stylishly swinging a 1.5 meter long sharpened hunk of metal around aint fun :D

I'm sure there's heaps in WoW for the min/maxers, but it's also very fun and entirely possible to just go with whatever the hell you want.
The Massassi-Map
There is no spoon.
2005-02-12, 10:42 AM #23
I don't like the idea of pay-to-play. Imagine you had to pay-to-play StarCraft (or Diablo). Somehow I don't think Blizzard would enjoy the kind of fan base it does today; consequently they would never have made this game because they would be poor and no one would want their crummy games.
"When it's time for this planet to die, you'll understand that you know absolutely nothing." — Bugenhagen
2005-02-12, 10:50 AM #24
Originally posted by Master Tonberry
I don't like the idea of pay-to-play. Imagine you had to pay-to-play StarCraft (or Diablo). Somehow I don't think Blizzard would enjoy the kind of fan base it does today; consequently they would never have made this game because they would be poor and no one would want their crummy games.

They need the pay-to-play because of servers, and how little distributors give them.
If you played WoW, you would know they need the money, because the servers are not the best servers available.
2005-02-12, 10:52 AM #25
Level 37 Gnome Mage. Tailoring(233)/Enchanting(238)
2005-02-12, 10:56 AM #26
Originally posted by Master Tonberry
I don't like the idea of pay-to-play.

I dont like the idea of pay-to-play either. But the simple fact is, it's worth it.
The Massassi-Map
There is no spoon.
2005-02-12, 11:24 AM #27
Whats the big deal really? It's what? 10-15 bucks a month? Not even a dollar a day.
Got a permanent feather in my cap;
Got a stretch to my stride;
a stroll to my step;
2005-02-12, 12:21 PM #28
Originally posted by Spork
I dont like the idea of pay-to-play either. But the simple fact is, it's worth it.

This coming from the man who played AC for how many years? ;)
Life is beautiful.
2005-02-12, 2:50 PM #29
Originally posted by IRG SithLord
Curious....what was your account name(s) in DII?

I don't really remember.... It involve the word proto, that's all I really know
2005-02-12, 3:18 PM #30
I beat the internet. The last guy was hard.
2005-02-12, 3:53 PM #31
Originally posted by Mikus
I don't really remember.... It involve the word proto, that's all I really know

I think it was protocross or something.
2005-02-12, 3:58 PM #32
Yeah good call CP
2005-02-12, 7:30 PM #33
Originally posted by Rogue Leader
This coming from the man who played AC for how many years? ;)

Several dozen less than LightStaff ;)
The Massassi-Map
There is no spoon.
2005-02-12, 8:07 PM #34
Aaayy..... Don't be playa hatin!
The cake is a lie... THE CAKE IS A LIE!!!!!
2005-02-13, 3:14 PM #35
Originally posted by Mikus
I don't really remember.... It involve the word proto, that's all I really know


Does (V)eta(V)ikus ring a bell?
2005-02-13, 3:54 PM #36
Nice juz, lilred looks great.

The rest of your characters are why I can't take the visuals seriously in that game.

ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2005-02-13, 4:10 PM #37
Originally posted by jEDIkIRBY
Nice juz, lilred looks great.

The rest of your characters are why I can't take the visuals seriously in that game.


I'd hope you wouldn't take it seriously, it's Warcraft.
2005-02-13, 4:14 PM #38
Originally posted by IRG SithLord

Does (V)eta(V)ikus ring a bell?

Yeah... Why are you stalking me? ;)
2005-02-13, 4:17 PM #39
Ahahahaha. You gave me and some other guy your accounts. I got my two lighsabres off proto. :P

The internet isn't feeling so vast anymore...*shudder*
2005-02-13, 5:32 PM #40
Originally posted by IRG SithLord
Ahahahaha. You gave me and some other guy your accounts. I got my two lighsabres off proto. :P

The internet isn't feeling so vast anymore...*shudder*

What was your handle?

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