In case you all forgot, I'm crippled. I may be 16, but there are a few things I can't do on my own due to my house being made for people 3 feet taller than I am. So my parents are gone for a couple weeks, and my mother's friend is assisting me with a few things. She comes over, cooks some meals, sets things up for me so everything's reachable when I need it, pretty menial things.
She also has a son who used to live next door to me for a long time. Great guy, fun, we're great friends. Grew up together. He's fine around me, but his mother brings out the worst in him.
But I'll get to that, let me start with the simple things:
She may be a single mother who wants to ease the amount of dishes she does, I understand. What I DO NOT understand is why I have to use a single MUG for drinking all of the liquids I will drink for the next week. The closest thing to a washing this black cup with white flowers has gotten is soaking in it's own scum, then rinsed out quickly before a new liquid is placed into it.
NO. First off, we have cups for drinking liquids, many cups. We use mugs for coffee, because they've got a handle for protecting against burns. Now when I drink my coffee in the morning, THERE ARE NO MUGS. You don't put coffee into a glass cup, obviously.
Oh, and let me tell you a little thing about rationing. The woman thinks a half of a cup of milk will wash down an entire meal. Which is understandable when she grabs out the APATIZER PLATES. These plates are no bigger than my palm. Read: I'm 3'4" my palm isn't big. She places a few pieces of vegetable, a few pieces of the dried meat she MICROWAVED, and whatever other instant food she can find.
Which reminds me: This woman refuses to cook a damn thing. Everything she's made for me in the past week has been in the microwave. MICROWAVED FROZEN VEGITABLES. I was making omelets this morning, myself, and she suggested, as it'll take less time, to wrap my bacon in paper towels, then place into the microwave.
NO. Take 3 seconds on a meal more, and it'll taste 3 seconds better! I tend to like good tasting food!
That's about it for her. Now onto the social issues.
Her son has anger issues. Horribly annoying and useless anger issues. Problem is, THEY STEM FROM HER. The most absolute and trivial things become an argument of hardships and self-sacrifice. #1: She refuses to do anything for herself. Whenever her children are around, she barks out orders while she 'slaves over a hot microwave.' Maybe I have only child syndrome, but in my family, you do what you want done, and if you want help, you ask, not order. Even though she asks, they're orders.
So anyway, this woman cannot be wrong about any ****sucking thing. So when her son does something incorrectly, he already knows it'll elevate to arguing, so he skips all of the trivial stuff, and just starts arguing about something. Meanwhile, his sister will chime in with some absolutely nonsensical comment that just edges everyone on. In the middle of these arguments of absolutely nothing important, people are yelling and shoving, then ask ME to make an observation that proves their point.
I am not your innocent bystander. I am not witnessing anything. I will not feed your fires. I just want to get things done.
I just spent 3 hours listening to people piss and moan about a television program; AT MY HOUSE. I almost told everyone, including her, to shut the hell up, and turn the TV OFF. I don't understand how people can live like that. Yeah, me and my family have LOTS of arguments, but I am happy to say that it's never personal, it's always over something worthwhile, and we always come to some sort of fair terms about it. We may yell when we're angry, but we realize that those things happen, and we move on. Am I just a rare specimen, or am I right in assuming this woman has no clue how to raise a household?
She also has a son who used to live next door to me for a long time. Great guy, fun, we're great friends. Grew up together. He's fine around me, but his mother brings out the worst in him.
But I'll get to that, let me start with the simple things:
She may be a single mother who wants to ease the amount of dishes she does, I understand. What I DO NOT understand is why I have to use a single MUG for drinking all of the liquids I will drink for the next week. The closest thing to a washing this black cup with white flowers has gotten is soaking in it's own scum, then rinsed out quickly before a new liquid is placed into it.
NO. First off, we have cups for drinking liquids, many cups. We use mugs for coffee, because they've got a handle for protecting against burns. Now when I drink my coffee in the morning, THERE ARE NO MUGS. You don't put coffee into a glass cup, obviously.
Oh, and let me tell you a little thing about rationing. The woman thinks a half of a cup of milk will wash down an entire meal. Which is understandable when she grabs out the APATIZER PLATES. These plates are no bigger than my palm. Read: I'm 3'4" my palm isn't big. She places a few pieces of vegetable, a few pieces of the dried meat she MICROWAVED, and whatever other instant food she can find.
Which reminds me: This woman refuses to cook a damn thing. Everything she's made for me in the past week has been in the microwave. MICROWAVED FROZEN VEGITABLES. I was making omelets this morning, myself, and she suggested, as it'll take less time, to wrap my bacon in paper towels, then place into the microwave.
NO. Take 3 seconds on a meal more, and it'll taste 3 seconds better! I tend to like good tasting food!
That's about it for her. Now onto the social issues.
Her son has anger issues. Horribly annoying and useless anger issues. Problem is, THEY STEM FROM HER. The most absolute and trivial things become an argument of hardships and self-sacrifice. #1: She refuses to do anything for herself. Whenever her children are around, she barks out orders while she 'slaves over a hot microwave.' Maybe I have only child syndrome, but in my family, you do what you want done, and if you want help, you ask, not order. Even though she asks, they're orders.
So anyway, this woman cannot be wrong about any ****sucking thing. So when her son does something incorrectly, he already knows it'll elevate to arguing, so he skips all of the trivial stuff, and just starts arguing about something. Meanwhile, his sister will chime in with some absolutely nonsensical comment that just edges everyone on. In the middle of these arguments of absolutely nothing important, people are yelling and shoving, then ask ME to make an observation that proves their point.
I am not your innocent bystander. I am not witnessing anything. I will not feed your fires. I just want to get things done.
I just spent 3 hours listening to people piss and moan about a television program; AT MY HOUSE. I almost told everyone, including her, to shut the hell up, and turn the TV OFF. I don't understand how people can live like that. Yeah, me and my family have LOTS of arguments, but I am happy to say that it's never personal, it's always over something worthwhile, and we always come to some sort of fair terms about it. We may yell when we're angry, but we realize that those things happen, and we move on. Am I just a rare specimen, or am I right in assuming this woman has no clue how to raise a household?
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