Yea ok so (Forget the reason why) hancuffed myself up.
Aparently they were rela handcuffs.
so when I called up the cops to see if I get could them off, they gave me so much crap.
"What jail did YOU escape from!?"
And all this other crap. Don't want to go in it. The female cop on the phone was a toal B-you\-know-what. A male officer came to free me, he was cool. After I told him i picked the other side he got out his handcuffs wnd was like "yea I bet you cant pick mine, they are better.. see" and stuff. He was cool. He said he shouldn't have let me keep them, but he was going to see if he could get away with bringthem them back to me tomarow. Technicallty he has to take them from me, but hes gonna be cool about it.
Just thought Id sjare..
Anyone else ever do something really stupid ?
I managed to pick the left hand, but I couldn't get the right one. I'm right handed, so I couldnt be as precise with the picking,
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Aparently they were rela handcuffs.
so when I called up the cops to see if I get could them off, they gave me so much crap.
"What jail did YOU escape from!?"
And all this other crap. Don't want to go in it. The female cop on the phone was a toal B-you\-know-what. A male officer came to free me, he was cool. After I told him i picked the other side he got out his handcuffs wnd was like "yea I bet you cant pick mine, they are better.. see" and stuff. He was cool. He said he shouldn't have let me keep them, but he was going to see if he could get away with bringthem them back to me tomarow. Technicallty he has to take them from me, but hes gonna be cool about it.
Just thought Id sjare..
Anyone else ever do something really stupid ?
I managed to pick the left hand, but I couldn't get the right one. I'm right handed, so I couldnt be as precise with the picking,
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