This spineless fugitive with his knife to my neck threatens to run out the door, but this insular world shuns and sends him back;
a shameful refugee on broken knees.
This refugee would kill to be restored, but the price of new knees has gone up and he wonders how many bounties he must make to have enough.
In desperation the refugee becomes an amputee but then the gangrene begins to set in. His stumps grow mushrooms and he sells them to the beggars and their children who keep yammering for more.
Crazy eyes! Mad with a fever to satisfy their wants though he knows that they know he is faking. Asylum eyes! He yearns for the refuge that can only be found in the hearts of his fellow sailors, but he's too scared to enter the harbor that's his home.
Wake up! Wake up! Your coccoon is breaking and everyone can see in! Your threadbare blanket isn't hiding much and your new ragtag audience gasps at what they see or don't see. I've had enough. Take off your mask. My mask.
a shameful refugee on broken knees.
This refugee would kill to be restored, but the price of new knees has gone up and he wonders how many bounties he must make to have enough.
In desperation the refugee becomes an amputee but then the gangrene begins to set in. His stumps grow mushrooms and he sells them to the beggars and their children who keep yammering for more.
Crazy eyes! Mad with a fever to satisfy their wants though he knows that they know he is faking. Asylum eyes! He yearns for the refuge that can only be found in the hearts of his fellow sailors, but he's too scared to enter the harbor that's his home.
Wake up! Wake up! Your coccoon is breaking and everyone can see in! Your threadbare blanket isn't hiding much and your new ragtag audience gasps at what they see or don't see. I've had enough. Take off your mask. My mask.