Yeah... To make a long story short, Oberfeldwebel, myself, and two of our friends were playing Garrysmod... Anyways, the two girls we were playing with went off to do GIRLY things like build a GIRLY house on some stupid little GIRLY island. Of course, Ober and myself, being REAL MEN, could not stand for it. At first we retaliated by launching INVISIBLE MISSILES!!! and dropping INVISIBLE BOMBS!!! on the weaker members of the opposite sex, but it was not long before they started claiming that their creation was superior to ours. This was unnacceptable, as the creations of us REAL MEN far surpassed their girly constructions. However, never walking away from a challenge, we decided to show them once and for all who was superior. May the best MAN win.
Anyways, it took us a while to finish, and by the end the framerate was almost unbearable, so with the consent of our opponents we deleted their finished stuff (after they took some screenshots), so the shots I'm about to post don't have their stuff in it. Hopefully I can get their pics later and post them here, but trust me, our MANPAD is so much better than their little girly island.
This first pic shows our power generator. REAL MEN use hydroelectric generators to power their homes. We seem to have also discovered a source of perpetual green energy in the process. (AKA, for some reason that beam right there wouldn't go away.)
Anyways, it took us a while to finish, and by the end the framerate was almost unbearable, so with the consent of our opponents we deleted their finished stuff (after they took some screenshots), so the shots I'm about to post don't have their stuff in it. Hopefully I can get their pics later and post them here, but trust me, our MANPAD is so much better than their little girly island.
This first pic shows our power generator. REAL MEN use hydroelectric generators to power their homes. We seem to have also discovered a source of perpetual green energy in the process. (AKA, for some reason that beam right there wouldn't go away.)