Sok Munkey
"Ahhh! Get it off my foot!"
Posts: 459
PS2. <------ My 2 cents.
PS2s have, like they already said, a massive library, it's geared towards a more mature audience than GC, and buying it isn't based on the exclusiveness of one game. Plus, if you get one now you get the sweet slim version. I like XBoxes, they're an equal consol to the PS2, but sadly Microsoft and Xbox owners count way too much on the quote/unqoute "greatness" of Halo and Halo 2. They are average FPS games with nice controls. Nothing more. Microsoft needs to move on and create more games for a capable console. If you buy a consol based on one game, be it PS2 Xbox or GC you will regret it. Also with proper equipment you can link up PS2s with LANs just like Xboxes.
Three Games to get for PS2:
It's build on the GTA engine, allowing you to take any vehicle or weapon you see. It has a lot of gameplay. (there's 52 bounties to catch and a contract mission for each one to get info on the location of that bounty.) It has the replay value of GTA, and I just love working for the russian mafia.
It's been out for a while so you can buy it cheap and you will most likely only find it used, but I advise buying it cheap and used. It is a quiet puzzle solving game, but it is VERY absorbing. It has a good storyline and has more emotion and feeling than any game I've played. There are very beautiful eye candy environments. It has no multiplayer mode, and you're not likely to replay it a whole lot, but the storyline will probably keep you coming back every now and then. definitely woth the 10-15ish bucks it sells for.
Timesplitters 2
This game is flat out awesome. It is a blast to play with friends, you can costumize your gameplay, bot set, weapon set, you can make your own maps and you can play with up to 16 people via LAN connection, I believe. It has like ten different unlockable playing modes like capture the bag, vampire, deathmatch (of course), team deathmatch, gladiator, flamethrower tag, virus, bounty hunter, and others. a large variety of weapons (from crossbows to miniguns to plasma rifles) spanning past present and future weaponry. It has MP co-op, and it has alot of replay value. An awesome party game. In my humble opinion this game is as good as or better than Halo and Halo 2. Did I say that out loud? *ducks*
oh yeah, and they're coming out with a TS3. I watch for it with interest.
3 Games not to get:
Starwars: Bounty Hunter
Of all the crap LucasArts shoots out, this is the worst.
-Controls and camera are pianfully horrible.
-Storyline is Painfully lame and horrible.
-Extras suck soooo bad I almost cried. They included a comic book (lame) pictures of starwars trading cards(lame) concept art(lame)and the stupidest deleted scenes that are so bland lame and unfunny I literally cringed rather than laughed at them.
-Cheats unlock levels and extras. no special skins, guns, in game features. Nothing. friggin' nothing.
-dry, lame levels and enemies.
-weapons aside from the little pistols you get are few and far between and have little ammo. I probably picked up 5-10 guns throughout the whole stupid game.
-you don't get to keep any weapons you find after you finish the level.
-The end boss is so easy to kill that when you figure her simple 2 step pattern it only takes a little patience to kill her, no skill is required. I killed her in 5 minutes from when I first encountered her and it took me 2 tries. I expected more from a double saber weilding sith lord.
-The only mode is single player, and it has no replay value. I tried to play it a second time but got so nausiated after like 5 minutes that I just turned the thing off and traded the game in for like 8 bucks.
Kind of repetetive, and boring. just not really that cool to me. It has no real storyline and you're just dropped into it like you're supposed to know everything already. I traded it in with bounty hunter.
Ghost recon: Jungle Storm and Ghost Recon 2
This game is horrible. the AI partners are so stupid they've walk right in front of me while I was sniping and got shot in the head. They'll be getting blown away by enemies and not fire a single shot. They get lost easy, give away your position by shooting when you don't want them to and wind up getting you killed by not shooting when your supposed to. It feels more like your a babysitter than a commander of the most lethal squad on earth. The textures and environment are gitchy and horrendously ugly. To play mp co-op you have to play through in single player first, which is just stupid. It is painful for me to play, and GR2 is even worse than jungle storm. If you want to play a good Ghost Recon, get the first and none of the others.
"I'm interested in the fact that the less secure a person is, the more likely it is for that person to have extreme prejudices." -Clint Eastwood