Awh, man! I have that game. It's really fun, but some people don't like it. It's got a pretty neat free-roam thing, some GTA style missions, awesome space combat...It's just good. The missions DO get repetitive after a while, but you can hack into other robots and use their abilities, making it fun to just explore and cause mischief. The graphics are good too.
It's about a Earth in the far, far off future. Robots have taken it over because humans left it (they found other places to hang, like Mars...etc...). You can never die in Scrapland (what they call it) because your brain is saved into the Great Data Base. When you die, they just respawn you-for a price. The archbishop is a greedy little **** who just wants money, so you have to pay to get respawned, or you go to jail. One day, the archbishops memory from the GDB (Great Data Base) gets deleted. Someone then goes and assassinates him, making it impossible for him to be revived. Scrapland is in terror, for rumors are spreading fast that it was a human that is trying to take back Earth. You are D-Tritus. You are a reporter, and your mission is to uncover this strange murder. As you dig deeper, many more die along the way.
Cool, eh? I'm not good at reviews, but I hope that answered your question.
Very funny Scotty. Now beam down my clothes.