How contemporarily francophobically populistic.
What about the Polish then? The Czechs, surrendering without a single shot fired, yet they don't make your list? The British (Chamberlain trying appeasement until bullets start tearing across the air, giving away Austria and Sudet-Czechoslovakia on a platter before the war even starts. Fleeing at Dunkirk, "heroically retreating". You think England wouldn't have fallen if there wasn't a thin strip of water in between?) even Stalin had a non-agression pact signed to avoid fighting the Germans. Denmark and the BeNeLux getting rolled over. What about Greece? Norway? Yugoslavia? They are other nations that also continued underground guerilla warfare against Axis occupiers after being defeated in a shorter time than it took to lose France.
You don't think surrender was the only sensible option? No one had used tanks and mechanized infantry like the Germans in 1939-1941 (though the French had better tanks on a one on one basis, they were used like static defenses, much like how the Iraqis used their T-72's statically in 2003 like they had learned to do in similar circumstances during the Iran-Iraq war, which in turn was fought much like the trenches of Western Europe with massed human-wave attacks etc.) The U.S. armed forces in 1940 couldn't have held off a similar offensive, no army could've. Germany lost less than 50,000 troops in two years (compared to 50,000 dead at Gettysburg in three days).
If it breaks, you get to keep both pieces.