I'm in a bit of a sappy mood tonight. So I ask you, how would you like to be remembered. Not necessarily after death, but maybe to the friends that you have now that you'll lose contact with, and then one day they find a picture of you somewhere. How would you like them to remember you?
I think I'd like to be remembered as somebody in the background that would lend a helping hand and bring a smile, and then leave to do the same somewhere else. If one of my friends finds a picture or reference to me in 30 years, I want them to smile, even if it's for no reason in particular. A specific memory doesn't have to be associated with me. Just a splash of color of emotion. Maybe it'd be because of a joke, maybe because I was there for them at a difficult time, maybe because I gave them rides to school or work. I like the idea of being in the shadows, so to speak, just giving a helping hand when needed, and then disappearing until needed again. There's something almost poetic about it.
Like I said, sappy mood.
I think I'd like to be remembered as somebody in the background that would lend a helping hand and bring a smile, and then leave to do the same somewhere else. If one of my friends finds a picture or reference to me in 30 years, I want them to smile, even if it's for no reason in particular. A specific memory doesn't have to be associated with me. Just a splash of color of emotion. Maybe it'd be because of a joke, maybe because I was there for them at a difficult time, maybe because I gave them rides to school or work. I like the idea of being in the shadows, so to speak, just giving a helping hand when needed, and then disappearing until needed again. There's something almost poetic about it.
Like I said, sappy mood.

Marsz, marsz, Dąbrowski,
Z ziemi włoskiej do Polski,
Za twoim przewodem
Złączym się z narodem.
Z ziemi włoskiej do Polski,
Za twoim przewodem
Złączym się z narodem.