A new largest prime was announced Saturday, two days ago! It is 2^5964951-1, which rings in at roughly 7.8 million digits. (600,000 more than the previous leader). Read about it here. If you're feeling masochistic you can see the actual number here. Not surprisingly it is also the 42nd Mersenne prime and was found using GIMPS. GIMPS is a network of roughly 60,000 computers using spare processing time toward finding the largest primes. If you want, you can download it and help out! GIMPS has had complete domination of current largest primes since it was launched in 1996.
Oh, by the way, the person who finds the first 10,000,000+ digit prime will be awarded $100,000 dollars by the Electronic Frontier Foundation, so get crackin' guys. *chuckle* If it happens to be found using GIMPS, the discoverer will be awarded $50,000.
Oh, and for those wondering what the big deal is about, this only usually happens every 2-3 years or so. :p Just a neat little tidbit that you would never see in the mainstream media and might interest some of you.
Oh, by the way, the person who finds the first 10,000,000+ digit prime will be awarded $100,000 dollars by the Electronic Frontier Foundation, so get crackin' guys. *chuckle* If it happens to be found using GIMPS, the discoverer will be awarded $50,000.
Oh, and for those wondering what the big deal is about, this only usually happens every 2-3 years or so. :p Just a neat little tidbit that you would never see in the mainstream media and might interest some of you.
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009